
Posts By World Peace Yoga School

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Halasana for reflects on the face and the skin:
8 years ago

Halasana for reflects on the face and the skin:

Halasana for reflects on the face and the skin:

Hal is a Sanskrit word that means plow. It is said that, as its name suggests, this pose prepares the field (the …
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Benefits of the Triangle Pose
8 years ago

Benefits of the Triangle Pose


Trikona – Triangle; Asana – Pose

The asana is pronounced as Tree-kone-ahs-ana

Unlike most yoga postures, the Triangle Pose requires keeping the eyes open in order …
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Benefits of Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
8 years ago

Benefits of Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

Padmasana (Lotus Pose): In the seated position, first carefully place the right foot onto the left thigh. Then take hold of the left foot and place it onto the …
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Benefits of the Corpse Pose (Shavasana)
8 years ago

Benefits of the Corpse Pose (Shavasana)

The Corpse yoga pose is one of the most important postures. It is meant to rejuvenate your mind and body after practice while also allowing you to shift your …
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Benefits of Moon Salutation
8 years ago

Benefits of Moon Salutation

Moon Salutation (Chandra Namaskar):

The practice of Moon Salutation (Chandra Namaskar) is a reflection of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), just as the moon has no light of its own but …
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Yoga improves the body’s immune system
8 years ago

Yoga improves the body’s immune system

Yoga boosts our immune system by enhancing the circulation of blood cells, decreasing stress hormones and stimulating the lymphatic system that aids to protect our body from the evil effects …
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Depression is easy to cure
8 years ago

Depression is easy to cure

Depression is easy to cure.

Depression, stress and Anxiety are very common disease. The exact reason behind the depression is unknown but it can be due to Biological, Psychological or …
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Shirshasana makes the skin radiant and glowing
8 years ago

Shirshasana makes the skin radiant and glowing

The Shirshasana or the headstand looks extremely complicated, but with a little practice, you will be able to master it . The key is to progress slowly. This position helps …
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Yoga For Glowing Skin Marichyasana
8 years ago

Yoga For Glowing Skin Marichyasana

Marichi literally means a ray of light. This position is also called the sage position, and it increases circulation and massages the internal organs, especially the abdominal organs. This helps …
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Crescent yoga pose For Weight Loss
8 years ago

Crescent yoga pose For Weight Loss

Crescent Lunge — Anjaneyasana (AHN-jah-nay-AHS-uh-nuh) — is a dynamic standing yoga pose that utilizes and integrates the muscles in your entire body. It stretches and strengthens the lower and …
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