Today, most people suffer from fatigue and tiredness. The reasons are simply varied. Some of you might get exhausted due to excess work pressure, while others get exhausted due to household chores. However, there is another category that we are going to talk about today. Yoga teachers also get tired. Yes, they do. Imagine having to take classes from morning till the evening, each day, when a batch is on. You can also add all the online hours that yoga teachers put in.
You might argue that yoga teachers are just following their passion. So, how can they get tired? Everybody expects yoga teachers to be like the sages, who are constantly exercising their divine powers. However, it is not true, at least not until a yoga teacher achieves ‘Moksha’. Many yoga teachers do not admit this right away. However, burnout is common among Yoga teachers. Yoga is not just physical but involves emotions as well. So, burnout may not be physical all the time. If you are a Yoga teacher who is experiencing the same burnout, read on.
Here are a few tips for tired yoga teachers, which they can exercise to better their teaching pedagogy.

Start With the Easy Poses
If you want to look and feel energized while taking your fifth yoga class, practice this. Some yoga poses come naturally, so you must identify few of those and start off. Some yoga teachers can literally practice some moves with their eyes closed. Your students may be able to do easy poses on their own, without much guidance. So, you get some time to relax and rejuvenate as well.Use Music
It is a well-known fact, that music can soothe the senses. So, you should play light and soulful music, while taking the yoga session. Music has the power to uplift tired minds, so you will definitely benefit from it. Light instrumental music can transform your ambience in seconds. So, you get to relax a bit as you move ahead, with your class. Moreover, you must use music in the right manner. If you are teaching Vinyasa, which is a flow of postures, you must use fast music. Likewise, use grounding and deep music for Hatha Yoga.Take Care of Yourself
As yoga teachers, you have to be healthy and relaxed at the same time. You cannot preach others, if you, yourself are not healthy. So, engage with practitioners of alternative healing modalities and heal yourself. Develop a supportive community of such practitioners, outside your yoga community. Additionally, you should take your own meals on time. Having adequate water is another prerequisite. The more you are hydrated, it will be easier for you to practice touch asana. Hydration improves joint movements. Do not skip your meals, just because you need to rush for a class. Chew your food properly, otherwise, it may lead to digestion issues later on.Learn to Say ‘No’
No matter, where you teach, either offline or online, this is an important quality that you should inculcate. If you feel, like something is not aligning with your daily goals, say ‘No’. If you ever feel, that you are unable to connect with a student, you can pass on the teaching responsibility to some other teacher. Turning down someone can be scary, as you may have your financial goals, but essential at times. Mental alignment is as important for any yoga guru to pass on the knowledge to a disciple.Give Importance to Personal Practice
In order to show your prowess in front of others, you need to be well-informed. Moreover, your internal parts have to develop some amount of flexibility. It is true, that yoga is not just about physical postures. That makes it even more important to cultivate the mental qualities that can aid your physical stamina in the classroom. If you jeopardize your practice, to take more classes, it can backfire on you in several ways. So, you lose yourself, while trying to reach that goal to gain prominence in the yoga circle. Therefore, it makes sense to develop a personal practice schedule each day, when you do not teach anyone offline or online.Connect With Other Yoga Teachers
Even after practicing and teaching Yoga for years, teachers make mistakes. Therefore, it is important for you to create a circle around yourself. Become a part of the yoga teacher’s community. Discuss the challenges that each one of you faces while taking classes. You can also get in touch with one another, when taking important classes like Satkarma kriya or ‘Vyamas’. You also get to know about the problems that students often experience while practicing these kriyas and alternate modalities. You may get tips, that will help you aid your teacher and get their trust.Continue Learning
Continuity in education is an important part of being a yoga teacher. Your personal practice and continuous education, are both important. Take some time off from your busy teaching schedule to deepen your knowledge. Take a few days or months off, and get rid of any burnout that may otherwise occur. It will also help you practice meditation and develop more practical knowledge. Meditation can also help you to get rid of your physical stress. Help yourself, before you help others.Connect With Your Students
You must develop a connection with your students. Develop a routine, which they can follow. This is something easier said than done. Not all teachers can connect well. At least you can try. You should build a rapport in such a manner, that your students understand you without, you saying a word. So, when you are exhausted, they typically take things into their own hands and give you some respite. Additionally, both you and your students can consider it a playful activity at times, so the fun factor is there. It will not allow the class to get monotonous.
These are a few tips, that every Yoga teacher should use while taking yoga teacher training classes. If at all, you are feeling tired, it can be best, to be frank, and take a holiday. It is better than teaching wrong things or in a half-hearted manner. You should always remember, that yoga is the alignment of the mind, body, and soul. So, let these work in tandem with one another.