100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Bali

Our Yoga Teacher Training Course In Bali

Yoga Is A Skill In Action

100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Bali, Indonesia

Step Into The World Of Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training with Us!

Suppose you are interested in becoming a certified Kundalini Yoga instructor and sharing the ancient teachings of Kundalini Yoga with others. In that case, this life-altering Kundalini Yoga Course is for you. With a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm for this potent practice brought to Bali from their studies in Kundalini Yoga's origin in India, the teachers leading our Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course are veterans.

The Bali is picture-perfect, with plenty of natural light and the soothing sounds of nature providing the perfect backdrop for the course. The Kundalini Yoga curriculum includes Pranayama (breathing exercises), asana (postures), meditation, mantra, and yogic philosophy. As you practice Kundalini Yoga, you will also get a greater understanding of the subtle body and chakras, and how to activate and balance your energy centers.

100-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course is designed to facilitate both individual development & the enhancement of one's capacity to teach. You will be given plenty of chances to practice teaching, get comments on your performance, & improve your approach. We provide a wide range of extracurriculars & excursions to complement the course material and make the most of your time in Bali. Ecstatic dancing, sound therapy, & kirtan are just a few of the group activities you may enjoy as you discover the island's stunning beaches, temples, and cultural landmarks.

100 Hour Kundalini Yoga Certification Course In Bali, Indonesia

Immerse yourself in the ancient techniques of Kundalini Yoga during our Bali-based Kundalini Yoga Training. In keeping with the traditional wisdom of this discipline, our course of study is structured to provide students with a real and life-altering opportunity to learn. We improve our knowledge of this powerful practice by incorporating distinct Kundalini traditions at our yoga school. Wearing white during group activities and practice teaching sessions is encouraged since it helps to enlarge our aura and energy field.

As a daily practice, sadhana incorporates yoga, meditation, and chanting to bring one closer to God and increase one's awareness. For those interested, we provide instruction that may be a potent instrument in the journey toward self-actualization and enlightenment. You will have a profoundly relaxing and stress-relieving experience. Lastly, we often have detox tea during training sessions, since it is a traditional component of Kundalini Yoga. The combination of ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, and other spices creates a healthy and flavorful tea that our students will love.

Our goal in including these particular Kundalini traditions within our program is to provide students with a solid grounding in the knowledge and transformational potential of Kundalini Yoga so that they may become certified Kundalini Yoga teachers and pass it on to others.

Know The Chakras

Seven Chakras In Kundalini Yoga

According to Kundalini Yoga, our mental, emotional, and spiritual health are all regulated by the seven chakras. You may unleash your inner potential, build a greater sense of self-awareness, and evolve spiritually by working with these interrelated and influencing chakras. Kundalini Yoga's chakra helps us become more attuned to our energy centers, which in turn improves our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Awakening the latent Kundalini energy and activating each chakra allows us to attain the greatest levels of awareness and spiritual progress. Pranayama, meditation, asana, and mantra are some of the activities that may help us do this.

Study the seven chakras:


The earth element and the color red are connected with the first chakra, Muladhara. Our feelings of security, stability, and oneness with the material universe are controlled by it. When this energy center is in harmony, we experience a sense of safety and steadiness. But when this energy center is closed, we could experience restlessness, disconnection, and anxiety.


Water and the color orange are related to Swadhisthana, the second chakra. It controls our ability to be creative, enjoy life, and maintain emotional stability. Happiness, contentment, and pleasure permeate our lives when this chakra is in harmony. But when this energy center is closed, we could experience emotional instability, a lack of originality, and a lack of self-expression.


Manipura, the third chakra, is linked to the fire element and color yellow. Our perceptions of our own strength, determination, and self-worth are controlled by it. We experience a sense of self-assurance, confidence, and the ability to accomplish our objectives when this chakra is in harmony. We may have feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and difficulty moving on in life when this chakra is closed.


The color green and the element air are connected with the fourth chakra, Anahata. It controls our capacity for empathy, friendship, and love, as well as our capacity to forgive and be forgiven. A profound feeling of love and connection with oneself and others is what we may expect when this chakra is in harmony. But when this energy center is closed, we may have problems connecting with others, feel unwanted, and hold onto negative emotions like anger and resentment.


The color blue and the element of ether are related to the fifth chakra, Vishuddha. Our capacity for self-expression and communication, as well as our honesty and integrity, are controlled by it. We are able to confidently express ourselves artistically and tell our truth when this chakra is healthy. It might be challenging to express ourselves emotionally, communicate clearly, and avoid misunderstandings when this chakra is closed.


Ajna is linked to the color indigo and the element of light. It regulates our innate knowing, our capacity for insight, and our capacity to see realities beyond the material. When this energy center is in harmony, we are able to tap into our innate spiritual knowledge and insight. When this energy center is obstructed, it might be difficult to follow our gut feelings, make sound decisions, and stay connected to our spiritual journey.


The color violet and the element of pure awareness are connected with the seventh chakra, Sahasrara. It controls our capacity to enter heightened levels of awareness and our spiritual connection. When this energy center is in harmony, we feel a profound connection to our spiritual core and a feeling of one with the cosmos. A lack of spiritual connection, direction, and satisfaction could result from a blockage in this chakra.

Nothing From Outside Can Fulfil You But Yourself, Happiness Is Within

Why Choose Bali For 100 Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC?

The way we teach the ancient discipline of Kundalini Yoga in our 100-hour Kundalini Yoga TTC is unlike any other. We aim to go farther into the spiritual and energy components of yoga in our curriculum than other yoga schools do, which may be more focused on the physical components. Our curriculum is based on the timeless wisdom of Kundalini Yoga pedagogy as well as the latest research and insights from our qualified teachers.

For our students to become competent and trustworthy Kundalini Yoga instructors, we strive to provide an all-encompassing and dynamic learning environment. Our training stands out because of its emphasis on energy healing and chakra work. The seven chakras, their activation and balance, and the power of Kundalini Yoga to bring about personal and societal change are all topics our students will cover in this course.

The importance we put on cultivating a daily spiritual practice is another distinctive feature of our 100-hour kundalini yoga course in Bali. Kundalini Yoga is a very personal practice for our teachers, and they are dedicated to seeing each student succeed and realize their own potential via the practice.

Our Bali location is ideal for students to really embrace the practice. This island is a haven for those seeking enlightenment, thanks to its serene atmosphere and many spiritual resources.

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Your Life Is A Gift Of The Divine, Cherish It

Learn About Kundalini Awakening

A profound spiritual shift occurs as this potent energy ascends through the chakras, activating and balancing them. It is crucial to proceed cautiously and under the supervision of an experienced teacher while undergoing Kundalini awakening since it has the potential to be a profound and life-altering event. One potent instrument for self-improvement and metamorphosis is the kundalini awakening. As the energy flows through the chakras, we may be able to see and let go of unproductive ways of thinking and behaving.

Enhanced self-awareness, self-confidence, and life purpose may all result from this inward journey of change. In conclusion, the rise of Kundalini may be a life-altering event that brings about heightened spiritual awareness, improved mental and physical health, and overall personal development. Nevertheless, proceed with care under the supervision of a knowledgeable instructor.

Student Reviews at World Peace Yoga School Bali

Facilities, Activities, & Excursion

Kundalini Svadhishthana Chakra Kriya Class | World Peace Yoga School

Things You Will Learn

  • Kundalini Yoga philosophy and history
  • Techniques for activating and balancing the chakras
  • Kundalini Yoga kriyas (sets of exercises)
  • Pranayama (breathing techniques)
  • Meditation practices
  • The science of mantra and chanting
  • The art of teaching Kundalini Yoga
  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Ayurvedic principles for self-care
  • The business of teaching yoga
  • Practicum teaching experience
  • Personal development and spiritual growth
  • The role of the teacher and student
  • How to create and structure a Kundalini Yoga class
  • The importance of a daily spiritual practice
  • How to work with students with different abilities and limitations
  • The use of props and modifications in Kundalini Yoga
  • The ethics of teaching yoga and maintaining professional boundaries

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How to Sequence a Kundalini Yoga Class | World Peace Yoga School

Guru Vishnu Welcomes Yoga Students with his Speech

Traditional Teaching Methodology of Kundalini Yoga | World Peace Yoga School

Why Is Our School Special?

Why Choose World Peace Yoga School For Yoga

Why Choose World Peace Yoga School

  • 1 Yoga School In Bali.
  • Yoga Alliance Certified School In Bali, Indonesia.
  • Certified Yoga Certification Courses.
  • Experienced and Certified Yoga Teachers and Instructors.
  • Worldwide Yoga Community.
  • Located In A Peaceful Environment.
  • We Follow Ancient Yoga Practices and Traditions.
  • Modern Facilities.
  • Hygienic Environment
  • Learn In A Relaxing Environment.

Apply Now For This Course Contact Us For Any Query

Overview Of Our 100 Hour YTTC

  • Current Kundalini Yoga and its ancient traditions.
  • Focuses on professional development, personal change, and spiritual progress.
  • Investigating the physiological, psychological, and spiritual impacts of Kundalini Yoga from a scientific perspective.
  • Using digital tools and information found online to supplement classroom instruction.
  • To further your understanding and skills, we provide courses and bring in expert lecturers.
  • Individuals are encouraged to develop and change in a safe and encouraging classroom setting.
  • Maintaining a level of professionalism and integrity when teaching yoga.

What Makes Us Different?

  • Our Distinctive Features.
  • Discipline and Code Of Conduct.
  • Yogic Lifestyle and Food.
  • Small Class Sizes.
  • Skill Level and Certification.
  • A Peaceful Location.

The Highest Value Of Life Is To Love Yourself First

Curriculum For 100-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course

Kundalini Yoga Asana

  • Bhujangasana (Cobra pose- to the awake heart chakra)
  • Prarthanasana (The prayer pose -to have reverence)
  • Padahastasana (The standing forward bend - to awake Muladhara Chakra)
  • Tadasana (The Tree Pose - for nourishing our spiritual aspiration)
  • Trikonasana (The Triangle pose)
  • Sahaja Agnisar Dhauti (Awakening inner fire - in Manipura Chakra)
  • Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose -to cleanse Vajra Nadi to promote ascendance of the sexual energy towards upper chakras)
  • Shalabhasana (The Locust pose –Increases the blood supply to the sacrum and lower back)
  • Dhanurasana (The Bow pose – remove constipation and improve digestion)
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana (The Lord of the Fishes Pose)
  • Uddiyana Bandha (Upward flying lock)
  • Paschimottanasana (The back stretching pose)
  • Janushirshasana (The head to knee pose- eliminate laziness and weakness)
  • Ushtrasana (The Camel Pose-arousing Manipura chakra)
  • Naukasana (The boat pose – alleviates anxiety and nervousness)
  • Supta Vajrasana (The Reclining Thunderbolt pose – guides the sexual energy through Vajra Nadi towards the brain)
  • Garudasana (The Eagle pose – improve balance and co-ordination)
  • Nauli Kriya (The Navel Cleansing- Balance the three touches of humor of the body Kapha-Vata- pitta)
  • Ardha Shirshasana (Half headstand- rejuvenate the brain cells)
  • Shashankasana (The Hare pose – remove stress, arrogance, selfishness, and anger)
  • Pavanamuktasana (Massages the internal organ and decongests the liver and sexual organs)

Kundalini asthi Granthi Kriya (Joints movements)

  • Warm-up Exercises
  • Feet and ankle exercises
  • Knee movement
  • Hip movement and rotation
  • Leg cradle
  • Side bending
  • Arms movement
  • Arm swing
  • Elbow movement
  • Wrist and hand movement
  • Neck exercises
  • Chin, jaw, mouth, tongue, eye and head exercises

Kriya Yoga Practices for Kundalini Awakening

  • Rules and Preparation
  • Postures
  • Chakra Sadhana
  • Practices to awaken Ajna Chakra
  • Practices to awake Mooladhar Chakra
  • Practices to awake Swadhisthan Chakra
  • Practices to awake Manipura Chakra
  • Practices to awake Anahata Chakra
  • Practices to awake Vishuddhi Chakra

Kundalini Tantra Philosophy

  • Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
  • Definition of the Chakra
  • Understanding the Chakra
  • Mooladhara Chakra
  • Swadhisthan Chakra
  • Manipura Chakra
  • Anahata Chakra
  • Vishudhhi chakra
  • Yagya Chakra
  • Sahasrar chakra
  • Kundalini Awakening process
  • Mantra-Shaktipata

Kundalini Mantra & Chant


Mantra is a set of words that consist of specific sounds, vibrations received by ancient yogis, and seers which offer a powerful physical, mental and spiritual benefit. There are many kinds of Mantras available for different purposes. You will be learning;

  • Art and science of Mantra
  • Mantra and its power
  • How mantra is made

Mantra Chanting

  • Om Mantra and its power to awaken kundalini
  • Shiva Mantra for awakening
  • Durga Mantra for Energy Awakening
  • Krishna Mantra for Joy and opening heart chakra
  • Mantra for Purification of the Mind (Gayatri)
  • Guru Disciple Study Mantra (Sahana)
  • Guru Mantra (Guru brahma)

Hatha Yoga

World Peace Yoga School teaches the traditional ancient style of Hatha Yoga that has been practiced by the Himalayan Masters for thousands of years. At our school, you practice according to your strength and flexibility. The main purpose is to attain perfect health and peace of mind. Here is the list of asana series that will be practiced;

  • Pavan Muktasana series 1
  • Pavan Muktasana series – 2
  • Pavan muktasana series - 3
  • Centering postures series
  • Surya Namaskar
  • Standing postures series
  • Kneeling postures series
  • Sitting Postures series
  • Forward bending postures series
  • Backward bending postures series
  • Supine postures series
  • Prone Postures series
  • Fire Series series
  • Inversions series
  • Twisting postures series
  • Balancing Postures series
  • Relaxing Posture series
  • Meditative Asana Series

Note: In total you will learn about 70 Yoga Exercises

The theory is just as important as practicing. Without proper understanding, you cannot do well. Our teachers will teach a base of understanding why, how, when, and what you need to do in an asana class. You must be self-motivated to go deeper into the postures. Here is the some of the theory you will be learning;

  • Philosophy of Hatha Yoga
  • Ancient Scriptures of Hatha Yoga
  • Aim and Objectives of Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga as a Therapy
  • Yoga as Balancing

Prana Kriya (Breathing Practices)

Prana Kriya or Pranayama is the central practice in traditional yoga. Many people misunderstand Pranayama as the breathing practice only, but it is something more. In this class, you will learn the secret of pranayama and how it leads us to health, peace, happiness, balance, and the awakening of kundalini.

Every week will lead to a different state of experience.

  • Week 1:Building strength in your system and a step-by-step understanding of Pranayama for awakening inner prana.
  • Week 2:Move towards from beginning to a deeper understanding of Pranayama and practices.

Here are the topics you will be learning for the study of Pranayama:

  • What is Prana kundalini
  • What is Pranayama
  • What is breath and connection with the Prana
  • Importance and benefits of Pranayama
  • How to prepare ourselves to practice them
  • Aspects of Breathing
  • Ancients Texts of Breathing
  • General understanding
  • Understand all about nostrils and how to activate them
  • Secrets of Pranayama
  • Breath flow in 5 elements
  • Unit of Prana
  • Function of Prana

Beginners and Intermediate Practices

  • Clavicular Pranayama
  • Thoracic Pranayama
  • Diaphragmatic Pranayama
  • Yogic Pranayama
  • Pranava Pranayama
  • Nadisodhanam Pranayama
  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Kapalbhati Pranayama
  • Bhramari Pranayama
  • Ujjayi Pranayama
  • Sitli Pranayama
  • Sitkari Pranayama

Kundalini Meditation

Once you stabilize your posture through Asana, cleansing your energy through Pranayama, and controlling your senses through Pratyahara you will be able to focus your mind. Meditation starts with concentration practices and with our 100 Hour YTTC, you will learn great techniques to master the basics by which you can develop a high-level concentration and awareness.

With this 2 week program, you will learn basic to intermediate levels meditation preparations and techniques. Each day you will get a little more understanding of how to perform them and experience their benefits.

  • Week 1:Developing Foundation of Kundalini Meditation
  • Week 2:Developing one-pointed focus, different types of concentration techniques, and visualization exercises

Here is the list of what you will be learning;

  • Introduction to Kundalini Meditation
  • History of Kundalini Meditation
  • Preparation to Kundalini Meditation
  • What is Kundalini Meditation and what it is not
  • Why- How- Where- When Kundalini Meditation
  • Philosophy of Kundalini Meditation
  • Kundalini Meditation Traditions
  • Kundalini Meditation Scriptures
  • Aim and Objectives of Kundalini Meditation
  • Sitting Positions
  • How to Sit Correctly 

Styles of Kundalini Meditation Practices

  • Himalayan Meditation Practices
    • Basics Foundation Meditation Practice
    • Breath- Mind- Mantra Awareness
    • Tratak Meditation 
  • Nada Meditation Practices
    • Music Meditation
    • Om Meditation
    • Mantra Power Meditation
  • Active Meditation Practices
    • Dynamic Moving Meditation (Osho)
  • Tantra & Kundalini Meditation Practices
    • Ajna Chakra Awakening Meditation
    • Kundalini Active Meditation
  • Vipasana & Passive Meditation Practices
    • Breath Awareness (Anapana)
    • Mindfulness and Sensation
    • How to Do Japa (recitation)
    • Kirtan Even and Creating a Spiritual Vibe
    • One Day Silence Meditation

Yoga Nidra (Psychic Sleep)

Yoga Nidra (sleep awareness/ psychic sleep) is a journey from a conscious to a superconscious state of awareness. All animals, birds, insects, humans sleep in the same way, and the experience of sleep also is the same. This state brings oneness and there is a great secret behind all of it. Yogi Vishnu is one of the most famous Yoga Nidra teachers. His proven techniques have been practiced for a long time by our sages. He will be the mentor and teacher, showing you how it can transform your life in a very short period of time. Yoga Nidra practices will take place every Friday.

  • Week 1:Basic Relaxation Practices
  • Week 2:Visualisation Yoga Nidra 

You will learn the basics of Yoga Nidra.

  • Meaning and Purpose of Yoga Nidra
  • Different Schools and Traditions of Yoga Nidra
  • Lifestyle and Rules for Yoga Nidra Practitioners
  • Benefits and Risks of Yoga Nidra
  • Difference Between Yoga Nidra and Meditation
  • Yoga Nidra Experience
  • Yoga Nidra and Healing

Yoga Cleansing (Shatkarma)

The body produces toxins at all times and we need to cleanse our bodies accordingly. Proper ablution, urination, cleaning nostrils, ears, eyes, skin, tongue, and other organs are very important for good health. These are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual cleansing. In the beginning, yoga practitioners should follow six practices (Sat-Karma) by which they can unblock the channels for higher experiences. With your 100 Hour YTTC, you will learn these cleansing practices. You will also learn the basic theory of the following;

  • What is Satkarma
  • Benefits and Risks
  • Who Should and Should Not Practice It
  • Experiences
  • Preparation to Satkarma
  • Practices After Completing It 

Practices that you will learn

  • Jihwa dhauti
  • Danta-Dhauti
  • Karna-Dhauti
  • Jalaneti.
  • Kapalbhati.

Yoga Philosophy (Yoga Darshana)

Yoga philosophy is the philosophy of life. Just by listening and understanding one can change one's own life. Yogi Vishnu learned the secrets of Yoga philosophy from his great Master Swami Veda by spending significant time with him. His authentic teachings will be taught by our teachers. Yoga philosophy does not only exist in Yoga Sutra. There are hundreds of Yogic texts and we will introduce you few important ones such as; Yoga Sutra, Bhagawat Geeta, and Upanishad.

During these 2 weeks, Yoga Philosophy will take you on a great journey of wisdom.

Week 1. Entering the World of Wisdom

  • Introduction to Indian Culture and Spirituality and Himalayan Tradition
  • Introduction to the Ancient Scriptures of Yoga and Spirituality
  • Meaning and Purpose of Indian Philosophy
  • Introduction to 9 Major Indian Philosophy
  • Why Is Yoga Philosophy the Most Important Among All?
  • History of Yoga
  • Types of Yoga

Week 2: Patanjali Welcomes you- External limbs !!!

  • Patanjali and His Work
  • Introduction to Yoga Sutra Text
  • Eight Limbs of Yoga
  • Yamas & Niyamas
  • Philosophy of Asana & Pranayama
  • Science of Karma

Kundalini Anatomy & Physiology (Sharir Vijnan)

Yoga Anatomy is one of the most important subjects for yoga teachers. In anatomy classes, you will learn two types of anatomy, physical and spiritual. 

Physical Anatomy

  • Introduction to Body and Its Structure
  • Body Planes
  • Anatomical Movements
  • Bones of the Skull
  • Cervical Vertebrae
  • Shoulder Girdle/ Arm Bones/ Pelvic Region
  • Deformities of the Spine
  • Lower Extremity
  • Tendons and Ligaments
  • Muscular System

Spiritual Anatomy

  • Nadi (Energy Channel)
  • Chakras (Energy Centres)
  • Kundalini (Prime Energy and Souce of All Creativity)
  • Panchakosha (5 Layers)


Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga. It believes that the body is made of five elements that create three Doshas; Kapha, Vata, and Pitta. When we keep them balanced, we are healthy and when imbalanced, we are ill. Ayurveda talks about proper health management that all yoga teachers need to know to help people. We provide one Ayurveda workshop from our doctor. Here is what you will learn in the Ayurveda classes;

  • Introduction to Ayurveda
  • Unique Features of Ayurvedic Treatment
  • Ayurveda and Its Diversified Areas
  • Ashtanga Ayurveda
  • Fundamentals of Ayurveda
  • Panchamahabhuta
  • Kapha (The theme of structure and lubrication)
  • Vata (the energy of movements)
  • Pitta (the energy of bio-transformation and heat generation)
  • Prakriti- Know Your Constitution


Mudra is a Divine gesture practiced with human hands. There are hundreds of them and they can bring miraculous changes in the body and mind with their extraordinary powers.

You will learn these powerful and secret mudras and their understanding.

  • The Secrets of Mudra
  • The Position of Elements in the Hands
  • The Need of Mudra
  • The Importance and Advantages of Mudras
  • Special Guidelines About Mudra
  • Gyan Mudra (Gesture of Wisdom)
  • Purn Gyan Mudra (Gesture of Complete Wisdom)
  • Vairagya Mudra(Gesture of Dispassion)
  • Abhaya Mudra(Gesture of Blessing, Fearlessness)

Alignment & Adjustment


  • Sense of alignment
  • Role of alignment in daily practice
  • How to balance prana & chakras
  • How alignment works in 5 koshas
  • Importance of Alignment
  • A different aspect of Alignment
  • To decrease the risk of injuries
  • Increase the movement of joints
  • Alignment based on body regions
  • Upper Limb alignment
  • Lower Limb alignment
  • Torso – Thorax - Abdomen – Pelvis Alignment
  • Head & Neck - Alignment


  • What is the sense of yoga adjustment
  • What is the level of yoga adjustment
  • Why adjustment is needed in yoga asana
  • Role of adjustments in yoga asana class
  • The right technique of perfect adjustment
  • How to apply a bandha and when
  • Exploring the dynamics of each asana
  • How to adjust self adjust in a posture
  • How to adjust to others during the class
Kundalini Yoga Asana
  • Bhujangasana (Cobra pose- to the awake heart chakra)
  • Prarthanasana (The prayer pose -to have reverence)
  • Padahastasana (The standing forward bend - to awake Muladhara Chakra)
  • Tadasana (The Tree Pose - for nourishing our spiritual aspiration)
  • Trikonasana (The Triangle pose)
  • Sahaja Agnisar Dhauti (Awakening inner fire - in Manipura Chakra)
  • Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose -to cleanse Vajra Nadi to promote ascendance of the sexual energy towards upper chakras)
  • Shalabhasana (The Locust pose –Increases the blood supply to the sacrum and lower back)
  • Dhanurasana (The Bow pose – remove constipation and improve digestion)
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana (The Lord of the Fishes Pose)
  • Uddiyana Bandha (Upward flying lock)
  • Paschimottanasana (The back stretching pose)
  • Janushirshasana (The head to knee pose- eliminate laziness and weakness)
  • Ushtrasana (The Camel Pose-arousing Manipura chakra)
  • Naukasana (The boat pose – alleviates anxiety and nervousness)
  • Supta Vajrasana (The Reclining Thunderbolt pose – guides the sexual energy through Vajra Nadi towards the brain)
  • Garudasana (The Eagle pose – improve balance and co-ordination)
  • Nauli Kriya (The Navel Cleansing- Balance the three touches of humor of the body Kapha-Vata- pitta)
  • Ardha Shirshasana (Half headstand- rejuvenate the brain cells)
  • Shashankasana (The Hare pose – remove stress, arrogance, selfishness, and anger)
  • Pavanamuktasana (Massages the internal organ and decongests the liver and sexual organs)
Kundalini asthi Granthi Kriya
  • Warm-up Exercises
  • Feet and ankle exercises
  • Knee movement
  • Hip movement and rotation
  • Leg cradle
  • Side bending
  • Arms movement
  • Arm swing
  • Elbow movement
  • Wrist and hand movement
  • Neck exercises
  • Chin, jaw, mouth, tongue, eye and head exercises
Kriya Yoga Practices
  • Rules and Preparation
  • Postures
  • Chakra Sadhana
  • Practices to awaken Ajna Chakra
  • Practices to awake Mooladhar Chakra
  • Practices to awake Swadhisthan Chakra
  • Practices to awake Manipura Chakra
  • Practices to awake Anahata Chakra
  • Practices to awake Vishuddhi Chakra
Kundalini Tantra Philosophy
  • Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
  • Definition of the Chakra
  • Understanding the Chakra
  • Mooladhara Chakra
  • Swadhisthan Chakra
  • Manipura Chakra
  • Anahata Chakra
  • Vishudhhi chakra
  • Yagya Chakra
  • Sahasrar chakra
  • Kundalini Awakening process
  • Mantra-Shaktipata
Kundalini Mantra & Chant


Mantra is a set of words that consist of specific sounds, vibrations received by ancient yogis, and seers which offer a powerful physical, mental and spiritual benefit. There are many kinds of Mantras available for different purposes. You will be learning;

  • Art and science of Mantra
  • Mantra and its power
  • How mantra is made

Mantra Chanting

  • Om Mantra and its power to awaken kundalini
  • Shiva Mantra for awakening
  • Durga Mantra for Energy Awakening
  • Krishna Mantra for Joy and opening heart chakra
  • Mantra for Purification of the Mind (Gayatri)
  • Guru Disciple Study Mantra (Sahana)
  • Guru Mantra (Guru brahma)
Hatha Yoga

World Peace Yoga School teaches the traditional ancient style of Hatha Yoga that has been practiced by the Himalayan Masters for thousands of years. At our school, you practice according to your strength and flexibility. The main purpose is to attain perfect health and peace of mind. Here is the list of asana series that will be practiced;

  • Pavan Muktasana series 1
  • Pavan Muktasana series – 2
  • Pavan muktasana series - 3
  • Centering postures series
  • Surya Namaskar
  • Standing postures series
  • Kneeling postures series
  • Sitting Postures series
  • Forward bending postures series
  • Backward bending postures series
  • Supine postures series
  • Prone Postures series
  • Fire Series series
  • Inversions series
  • Twisting postures series
  • Balancing Postures series
  • Relaxing Posture series
  • Meditative Asana Series

Note: In total you will learn about 70 Yoga Exercises

The theory is just as important as practicing. Without proper understanding, you cannot do well. Our teachers will teach a base of understanding why, how, when, and what you need to do in an asana class. You must be self-motivated to go deeper into the postures. Here is the some of the theory you will be learning;

  • Philosophy of Hatha Yoga
  • Ancient Scriptures of Hatha Yoga
  • Aim and Objectives of Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga as a Therapy
  • Yoga as Balancing
Prana Kriya

Prana Kriya or Pranayama is the central practice in traditional yoga. Many people misunderstand Pranayama as the breathing practice only, but it is something more. In this class, you will learn the secret of pranayama and how it leads us to health, peace, happiness, balance, and the awakening of kundalini.

Every week will lead to a different state of experience.

  • Week 1:Building strength in your system and a step-by-step understanding of Pranayama for awakening inner prana.
  • Week 2:Move towards from beginning to a deeper understanding of Pranayama and practices.

Here are the topics you will be learning for the study of Pranayama:

  • What is Prana kundalini
  • What is Pranayama
  • What is breath and connection with the Prana
  • Importance and benefits of Pranayama
  • How to prepare ourselves to practice them
  • Aspects of Breathing
  • Ancients Texts of Breathing
  • General understanding
  • Understand all about nostrils and how to activate them
  • Secrets of Pranayama
  • Breath flow in 5 elements
  • Unit of Prana
  • Function of Prana

Beginners and Intermediate Practices

  • Clavicular Pranayama
  • Thoracic Pranayama
  • Diaphragmatic Pranayama
  • Yogic Pranayama
  • Pranava Pranayama
  • Nadisodhanam Pranayama
  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Kapalbhati Pranayama
  • Bhramari Pranayama
  • Ujjayi Pranayama
  • Sitli Pranayama
  • Sitkari Pranayama
Kundalini Meditation

Once you stabilize your posture through Asana, cleansing your energy through Pranayama, and controlling your senses through Pratyahara you will be able to focus your mind. Meditation starts with concentration practices and with our 100 Hour YTTC, you will learn great techniques to master the basics by which you can develop a high-level concentration and awareness.

With this 2 week program, you will learn basic to intermediate levels meditation preparations and techniques. Each day you will get a little more understanding of how to perform them and experience their benefits.

  • Week 1:Developing Foundation of Kundalini Meditation
  • Week 2:Developing one-pointed focus, different types of concentration techniques, and visualization exercises

Here is the list of what you will be learning;

  • Introduction to Kundalini Meditation
  • History of Kundalini Meditation
  • Preparation to Kundalini Meditation
  • What is Kundalini Meditation and what it is not
  • Why- How- Where- When Kundalini Meditation
  • Philosophy of Kundalini Meditation
  • Kundalini Meditation Traditions
  • Kundalini Meditation Scriptures
  • Aim and Objectives of Kundalini Meditation
  • Sitting Positions
  • How to Sit Correctly 

Styles of Kundalini Meditation Practices

  • Himalayan Meditation Practices
    • Basics Foundation Meditation Practice
    • Breath- Mind- Mantra Awareness
    • Tratak Meditation 
  • Nada Meditation Practices
    • Music Meditation
    • Om Meditation
    • Mantra Power Meditation
  • Active Meditation Practices
    • Dynamic Moving Meditation (Osho)
  • Tantra & Kundalini Meditation Practices
    • Ajna Chakra Awakening Meditation
    • Kundalini Active Meditation
  • Vipasana & Passive Meditation Practices
    • Breath Awareness (Anapana)
    • Mindfulness and Sensation
    • How to Do Japa (recitation)
    • Kirtan Even and Creating a Spiritual Vibe
    • One Day Silence Meditation
Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra (sleep awareness/ psychic sleep) is a journey from a conscious to a superconscious state of awareness. All animals, birds, insects, humans sleep in the same way, and the experience of sleep also is the same. This state brings oneness and there is a great secret behind all of it. Yogi Vishnu is one of the most famous Yoga Nidra teachers. His proven techniques have been practiced for a long time by our sages. He will be the mentor and teacher, showing you how it can transform your life in a very short period of time. Yoga Nidra practices will take place every Friday.

  • Week 1:Basic Relaxation Practices
  • Week 2:Visualisation Yoga Nidra 

You will learn the basics of Yoga Nidra.

  • Meaning and Purpose of Yoga Nidra
  • Different Schools and Traditions of Yoga Nidra
  • Lifestyle and Rules for Yoga Nidra Practitioners
  • Benefits and Risks of Yoga Nidra
  • Difference Between Yoga Nidra and Meditation
  • Yoga Nidra Experience
  • Yoga Nidra and Healing
Yoga Cleansing

The body produces toxins at all times and we need to cleanse our bodies accordingly. Proper ablution, urination, cleaning nostrils, ears, eyes, skin, tongue, and other organs are very important for good health. These are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual cleansing. In the beginning, yoga practitioners should follow six practices (Sat-Karma) by which they can unblock the channels for higher experiences. With your 100 Hour YTTC, you will learn these cleansing practices. You will also learn the basic theory of the following;

  • What is Satkarma
  • Benefits and Risks
  • Who Should and Should Not Practice It
  • Experiences
  • Preparation to Satkarma
  • Practices After Completing It 

Practices that you will learn

  • Jihwa dhauti
  • Danta-Dhauti
  • Karna-Dhauti
  • Jalaneti.
  • Kapalbhati.
Yoga Philosophy

Yoga philosophy is the philosophy of life. Just by listening and understanding one can change one's own life. Yogi Vishnu learned the secrets of Yoga philosophy from his great Master Swami Veda by spending significant time with him. His authentic teachings will be taught by our teachers. Yoga philosophy does not only exist in Yoga Sutra. There are hundreds of Yogic texts and we will introduce you few important ones such as; Yoga Sutra, Bhagawat Geeta, and Upanishad.

During these 2 weeks, Yoga Philosophy will take you on a great journey of wisdom.

Week 1. Entering the World of Wisdom

  • Introduction to Indian Culture and Spirituality and Himalayan Tradition
  • Introduction to the Ancient Scriptures of Yoga and Spirituality
  • Meaning and Purpose of Indian Philosophy
  • Introduction to 9 Major Indian Philosophy
  • Why Is Yoga Philosophy the Most Important Among All?
  • History of Yoga
  • Types of Yoga

Week 2: Patanjali Welcomes you- External limbs !!!

  • Patanjali and His Work
  • Introduction to Yoga Sutra Text
  • Eight Limbs of Yoga
  • Yamas & Niyamas
  • Philosophy of Asana & Pranayama
  • Science of Karma
Kundalini Anatomy & Physiology

Yoga Anatomy is one of the most important subjects for yoga teachers. In anatomy classes, you will learn two types of anatomy, physical and spiritual. 

Physical Anatomy

  • Introduction to Body and Its Structure
  • Body Planes
  • Anatomical Movements
  • Bones of the Skull
  • Cervical Vertebrae
  • Shoulder Girdle/ Arm Bones/ Pelvic Region
  • Deformities of the Spine
  • Lower Extremity
  • Tendons and Ligaments
  • Muscular System

Spiritual Anatomy

  • Nadi (Energy Channel)
  • Chakras (Energy Centres)
  • Kundalini (Prime Energy and Souce of All Creativity)
  • Panchakosha (5 Layers)

Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga. It believes that the body is made of five elements that create three Doshas; Kapha, Vata, and Pitta. When we keep them balanced, we are healthy and when imbalanced, we are ill. Ayurveda talks about proper health management that all yoga teachers need to know to help people. We provide one Ayurveda workshop from our doctor. Here is what you will learn in the Ayurveda classes;

  • Introduction to Ayurveda
  • Unique Features of Ayurvedic Treatment
  • Ayurveda and Its Diversified Areas
  • Ashtanga Ayurveda
  • Fundamentals of Ayurveda
  • Panchamahabhuta
  • Kapha (The theme of structure and lubrication)
  • Vata (the energy of movements)
  • Pitta (the energy of bio-transformation and heat generation)
  • Prakriti- Know Your Constitution

Mudra is a Divine gesture practiced with human hands. There are hundreds of them and they can bring miraculous changes in the body and mind with their extraordinary powers.

You will learn these powerful and secret mudras and their understanding.

  • The Secrets of Mudra
  • The Position of Elements in the Hands
  • The Need of Mudra
  • The Importance and Advantages of Mudras
  • Special Guidelines About Mudra
  • Gyan Mudra (Gesture of Wisdom)
  • Purn Gyan Mudra (Gesture of Complete Wisdom)
  • Vairagya Mudra(Gesture of Dispassion)
  • Abhaya Mudra(Gesture of Blessing, Fearlessness)
Alignment & Adjustment


  • Sense of alignment
  • Role of alignment in daily practice
  • How to balance prana & chakras
  • How alignment works in 5 koshas
  • Importance of Alignment
  • A different aspect of Alignment
  • To decrease the risk of injuries
  • Increase the movement of joints
  • Alignment based on body regions
  • Upper Limb alignment
  • Lower Limb alignment
  • Torso – Thorax - Abdomen – Pelvis Alignment
  • Head & Neck - Alignment


  • What is the sense of yoga adjustment
  • What is the level of yoga adjustment
  • Why adjustment is needed in yoga asana
  • Role of adjustments in yoga asana class
  • The right technique of perfect adjustment
  • How to apply a bandha and when
  • Exploring the dynamics of each asana
  • How to adjust self adjust in a posture
  • How to adjust to others during the class

Awake From The Ignorance And Unconsciousness

Daily Schedule During 100 Hour Yoga Certification Course In Bali, Indonesia

05:30 AM Self Practice & Self Awareness

06:15 AM Pranayama and Shatkarma

07:30 AM Hatha Yoga

09:00 AM Breakfast

10:45 AM Yoga Anatomy

12:00 AM Yoga Alignment & Adjustment/ Teaching Methodology

01:15 PM Lunch

02:30 PM Self Study

03:45 PM Yoga Philosophy

05:00 PM Kundalini Yoga

07:00 PM Dinner

09:00 PM Self Reflection and Meditation

Depending on the season, weather the timetable and timings can be subject to change.

Be Calm At All Times Without Fail Or You Will Fail

Yoga Alliance Certification

Certification from Yoga Alliance is the gold standard for qualified yoga instructors throughout the globe. Our certificates show that they have achieved the high levels of knowledge, abilities, and teaching competence established by Yoga Alliance via this certification. It also shows that they've completed a thorough Kundalini Yoga training program. Those interested in teaching yoga or taking their practice to the next level will find this certificate to be an invaluable certification.

Join Us To

  • Immerse yourself in the teachings, practices, and philosophy of Kundalini Yoga.
  • Develop a habit that helps you feel good on all levels—physical, mental, and spiritual.
  • Acquire the wisdom and experience to lead people in Kundalini Yoga classes with assurance.
  • By devoting oneself fully to study, practice, and contemplation, one might undergo profound personal change and spiritual development.
  • Come be a part of a global community of Kundalini Yoga instructors and students who are welcoming and supportive of one another.

Challenges Make You Strong And Always Ready To Meet Provocation

100-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Bali, Dates

Dates Price Book Now

2 Sharing Room Private Room

1th To 10th Apr 2025 02 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $999 $1399 Private Room $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

1th To 10th May 2025 04 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $999 $1399 Private Room $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

1th To 10th Jun 2025 04 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $999 $1399 Private Room $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

1th To 10th Jul 2025 04 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $999 $1399 Private Room $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

1th To 10th Aug 2025 03 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $999 $1399 Private Room $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

1th To 10th Sep 2025 07 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $999 $1399 Private Room $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

1th To 10th Oct 2025 05 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $999 $1399 Private Room $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

1th To 10th Nov 2025 05 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $999 $1399 Private Room $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

1th To 10th Dec 2025 05 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $999 $1399 Private Room $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

1th To 10th Jan 2026 06 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $999 $1399 Private Room $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

Guru Vishnu & Maa HariPriya both organise their time between Rishikesh and Bali depending on their schedules.

Be Satisfied In Yourself Alone

Accommodation, Food & Inclusion/Exclusion


We offer private and shared rooms for our students. All rooms are equipped with AC, a private washroom, and other modern amenities. We have designed our rooms to offer you a comfortable and luxurious stay during the course.

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It is believed that if one eats sattvic food, their mind will also become clean and healthy, which aids yoga students in reaching a spiritual level, which is why sattvic food is always the foundation of the yogic tradition. For those who want to go farther.

In order to support your daily yoga practice, overall health, and happiness, World Peace Yoga School makes sure that you always have access to nutritious food. At our school, we constantly emphasize the importance of a healthy, organic diet by serving only freshly cooked meals made from locally sourced, organic ingredients.

During Sundays, we serve only breakfast. You can enjoy lunch and dinner outdoors from amazing local restaurants and get to know more about Bali food culture.

What Does The Course Fee Include?

  • Accommodation (Private or Shared)
  • 3 Time Yogic Food.
  • Daily Yoga Classes.
  • Yoga Mats and Blocks for practice.
  • Kirtan session.
  • Opening and Graduation Ceremony.
  • Local Culture Experience.
  • Clean towels.
  • Bed sheets.
  • Preparatory Course Videos.

What Is Not Included In The Course?

  • Ayurveda Consultation.
  • Massage or Beauty products.
  • Medical or Travel Insurance.
  • Doctor Visits or Medical consultations.
  • Other Events and Activities.

Apply Now For This Course Contact Us For Any Query

Live with consciousness

What Students Say About Our Yoga Course at World Peace Yoga School

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You do not learn anything from anyone unless you are desirous

Prerequisites And Recommended Reading


  • Self-motivation
  • World Peace Yoga School prohibits the consumption of meat, fish, eggs, black tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
  • Nudity is strictly prohibited.

Recommended Readings Before This Course

All the books including other study materials will be sent after enrolment of the course, and a online 50 hour preparatory course will be given freely.


Yoga Anatomy By Leslie Kaminoff


Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha


Daily Life of a Yogi By Guru Vishnu


Himalayan Tradition Of Yoga Meditation


Manta Book By Guru Vishnu Ji


Meditation And Its Methods


Patanjali Yoga Sutras Bu Swami Vivekanand


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Change Is An Essence Of Existence

Frequently Asked Questions About 100 Hour Kundalini YTTC In Bali

Kundalini Yoga: What Is It?

It is a spiritual practice and uses breathing exercises, physical postures, meditation, and mantras to bring one's latent power and awareness to the surface.

Have I met the requirements to participate in this course?

Those who take part should be in excellent mental and physical condition and regular yogis.

When does the training begin and end each day?

There will be time each day for yoga, meditation, classes, seminars, and individual study and contemplation.

Does the price of the course include the cost of housing?

Your tuition covers your housing and board, whether you choose a shared or private room.

How many people may take part in the training at once?

To provide each participant with the time and assistance they need, the maximum number of participants is usually approximately 40.

Can you tell me about the Yoga Alliance certification?

Worldwide, yoga schools are required to adhere to guidelines established by the Yoga Alliance, which in turn certifies instructors who have met those guidelines.

During the training, would there be vegetarian options available?

Using only fresh, locally produced products, the program does indeed offer vegetarian meals.

After finishing this course, will I be qualified to teach Kundalini Yoga?

No, after finishing the program, you will not be able to teach Kundalini Yoga unless you have any other yoga certificate.

Is there a plan B in case I need to skip a lesson?

If you must miss a class or session, please let the instructors know ahead of time so that you may schedule a make-up session.

Which items are required for the training?

To ensure a pleasant and fulfilling month-long stay in Bali, please ensure that you pack all the necessary personal supplies, like a yoga mat, water, comfy clothing, and a notebook.

Always Remember You Are The Whole

Rules & Refund Policy Of World Peace Yoga School

Code Of Conduct For Students

There is a code of conduct that all students enrolled in Bali's yoga teacher training program must follow. Additional information on them may be found in the details provided below.

  • Time limits for exiting the building have been established.
  • You are responsible for getting up and going to bed at the designated times.
  • Meals are served at certain times every day.
  • Please treat the instructors who have been assigned to your class with the utmost respect.
  • No one may consume alcoholic beverages, smoke cigarettes, or engage in any behavior that would aggravate their condition while taking this course.
  • To partake in the use of any drug is both illegal and prohibited.
  • Every day in class, you need to focus intently.
  • Take an active role in all of the course requirements.
  • You can't get your 200-Hour Yoga Training certification without maintaining a spotless attendance record.

Adherence to the Standards Set Out by the Yoga Alliance

All students are expected to be familiar with the following student policy rules at World Peace Yoga School:

  • In an effort to ensure that all students at our yoga school are able to learn in an environment free from harassment and other forms of bullying, we have instituted a strict anti-harassment policy.
  • This policy does not tolerate any kind of harassment, whether it be physical, verbal, biased, or intimidating.
  • We make sure that anybody who violates the rules is dealt with properly after thoroughly reviewing every complaint.
  • We want to provide a space where individuals can devote themselves fully to yoga and personal growth, free from any kind of prejudice or abuse.
  • Everyone is required to follow our yoga studio's anti-retaliation policy, which states that no one may retaliate against a person for coming forward with information about harassment or for helping with an inquiry into such allegations.
  • We will not hesitate to address any instances of retribution that come to light, since we hold such accusations in the highest regard.
  • This policy is crucial in creating a safe and considerate classroom for every student.

Refund Policy At World Peace Yoga School

  • Students will only be granted permission to join us at a different time in the event of an emergency.
  • The 100-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program does not provide refunds on prepayments.
  • No matter how many times a student requests to discontinue their classes, we will never return the original payment.
  • Any unanticipated circumstances that may arise prior to the commencement of the course shall not hold World Peace Yoga School responsible.
  • The training may be postponed for a maximum of twelve months in the case of difficult life events like a family member's sickness or death.

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Our Review & Ratings

What Our Students Say About Their Yoga Teacher Training In Bali

Gabriele Di Mauro

United States

Excellent Yoga school in bali, with very good and experienced teachers and a relaxed atmosphere. I highly recommend yoga teacher training courses in bali with World Peace Yoga School. ;)

Gabriele Di Mauro

Olivia Whalley


I recently completed my prenatal yoga teacher training at World Peace Yoga school. Overall, the teaching was of a great standard with knowledgeable and fantastic teachers.

Olivia Whalley

Sofie Swiecki


I just competed my 100h multi style ytt:) I had a wonderful experience at world peace yoga school. The teachers were amazing. The building and rooms were lovely with a wonderful view of the city from the terrace. Management was very friendly and helpful.

Sofie Swiecki

Shivani Chaudhary


Completed my 100 hrs TTC in march. It was an amazing learning experience. I knew the physical aspects of yoga earlier, but world peace taught me mental, spiritual, detailed physiological aspects and I enjoyed my yoga journey.

Shivani Chaudhary

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