200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Thailand

Our Yoga Teacher Training Course In Thailand

Look within and you will find the greatest love

200-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Thailand

This kundalini yoga teacher training offers the flexibility to attend yoga classes via live classes, pre-recorded videos, and live Zoom sessions. We have made the course easy to weave into your schedule. Deepen your knowledge through our 11-day on-site training at World Peace Yoga School in Thailand. The training is accessible for worldwide students due to on-site and online options, offering flexibility in both location and time. Complete the yoga teacher training module at your own pace by utilizing our virtual learning. Watch pre-recorded Kundalini classes virtually and join real-time live streams to attend parts of the course.

If you want to develop Kundalini knowledge to teach yoga or Kundalini awakening, you are at the right place. World Peace Yoga School is the best yoga school in Thailand. We offer the best yoga teacher training course here. Our yoga training in Thailand  Experience the enchanted energy and the bliss awakening through our 200-hour kundalini yoga teacher training. Kundalini is the powerhouse to radiate incredible energy while awakened. Sadhus and Yogis practice Kundalini awakening with constant sadhana. Awakening is the ultimate form of yoga sadhana.

The 200-Hour Yoga YTTC is dynamic and we have crafted it over the years of consistent research and feedback from yoga teachers. We have trained many yoga teachers worldwide and shared the magical powers of yoga. The kundalini yoga training aims to transform your mind and body. When you complete the 200-hour Kundalini training, you will receive a certification through World Peace Yoga School. Our training will help you become a Yoga Alliance-accredited Kundalini teacher and promote personal transformation.

Our 200-hour Kundalini Yoga Training in Thailand is a golden key to unlocking mysterious powers lying within you. The comprehensive training is based on ancient yoga practices.


Our module helps you expand and intensify your mindfulness and potential.

Overview Of 200-Hour Kundalini YTTC in Thailand

  • Learn the basics of Kundalini.
  • Kundalini awakening practices.
  • Theoretical and practical Kundalini foundation.
  • Develop Kundalini yoga skills.
  • Gain deeper insights into Kundalini.
  • Learn kundalini asana
  • RYT 200 certificate.
  • Learn about class preparation.
  • Meditation aspects in Kundalini.

Kundalini Tantra Tradition At World Peace Yoga School

You will be divulged with deep Kundalini sadhana while 200-hour Kundalini YTTC in Thailand. You will learn about meditation, mantra chanting, pranayama, philosophy, tantra, etc. Our course easily takes your energy levels to the highest levels. Join this beautiful yoga journey to awaken Kundalini's power from the base of your spine. Kundalini awakening is steadily mastering Kundalini sadhana. It is the energy center that generates large amounts of energy. The process can transform your inner soul and it is the ultimate source of observation.

Once you enroll for the training, you will get a pre-recorded course and ebooks to learn the basics of Kundalini yoga. It will help you to gain some basic and traditional Kundalini yoga knowledge. The preparatory course provides a balanced approach to kundalini practice and learning methodologies.

Our Kundalini Yoga training in Thailand provides the opportunities to:

  • Conduct your own Kundalini class.
  • Learn meditation aspects of Kundalini.
  • Kundalini awareness.
  • Live a mystical and spiritual lifestyle.
  • Deep personal healing.
  • Immerse yourself in conscious living.
  • Join the Yoga Alliance-accredited course.

Know The Chakras

Seven Chakras In Kundalini Yoga

The word Kundalini derives from Kundal, a snake coiled around something. Kundalini is a powerful and important energy that is stored within us. Kundalini energy in the Human body deeply sleeps until we try to awaken it. It can be awakened by practicing pranayama, yoga, meditation, kundalini kriyas, etc. The energy connects 7 main chakras and travels upwards in your body.

Here are the more details about all 7 chakras:


Muldhara is the root chakra and it is the basis of existence. The symbol used to represent this chakra is a Lotus with 4 petals and the red color is used. Muldhara is located between the perineum and the pelvic bone. It is the base of all chakras and 3 main nadis emerge from here. The chakra is the cervix in the female body and the perineum in males. It is associated with sleep and food. The food becomes a selective process when anyone activates the chakra. It is believed to be the source of all energy or chakras.


Swadhisthana is the second chakra after Muldhara. Fear of death or any kind of fear blocks this chakra. The chakra consists of unconscious desires and the blockage indicates low confidence, dependency, addiction, instability, fear, stress, and lack of creativity. The chakra is directly related to the feelings. This chakra is related to the water and symbolizes fluency, life flow, and exploring nature. You can get clarity, eloquence, freedom from enemies, loss of fear of water, etc. by meditation. The chakra is a storehouse of deep-rooted instincts and past mental impressions.


Manipura is the third chakra that is located above the navel. It means a resplendent gem and indicates the transformation because it is the home of fire and wind. The chakra controls metabolism and digestion. The chakra is related to Fire and you will be happy and focused after activating it. Manipura is also considered the center of passion, willpower, energy, dynamism, and karma power. All the psychological processes become speedier when this chakra is activated. You can visualize the ball of fire or a blazing sun to concentrate on the chakra. It is represented by 10 petalled lotus and yellow color.


Anahata means unbeaten, unstruck, and unhurt and refers to the Vedic concept of sound. This chakra indicates serenity, peace, and balance. According to the Vedic Sanskrit, it means the sound produced without touching two parts simultaneously. The chakra is located in the central channel of the spine. This is also the position of the soul and center of the upper and lower chakras. One who activates it feels devotion, compassion, and love. It grants the ability to focus on harmonious relationships, trust, and forgiveness. In simple words, it means kindness and love in a balanced nature. Anahata symbolizes with hexagon shaped by two triangles.


Vishuddha or Vishuddhi is the fifth chakra that is positioned at the center of the throat. It means Purification and represents Sound. The chakra reigns all the energy that is connected with the throat for example vocal energy. After balancing this chakra, you can enhance your communication skills. This chakra helps for apparent, accurate, and clear vocals and vision. You will become a great person, a good speaker, and a great leader. This chakra improves awareness of being healthy and staying fit. It governs the parathyroid gland, thyroid gland, larynx region, vocal cords, and ears. The chakra is represented by 16 petalled lotus and blue color.


It is also called the third-eye chakra and the 6th primary chakra in the human body. Some people also call it the Guru Chakra which grants us direction in our life. Ajna provides answers and a path to achieve the state of Wisdom. It is located in the center of the forehead between both eyebrows. The god of Ajna is Shiva who can see the actual things behind all visible things. Activation of the chakra makes you very clear in imagination and vision. The chakra is connected to the pineal gland and works as a bridge between psychic and mental dimensions. It is represented by 2 petalled lotus and blue color.


Sahasrara is considered to be the 7th primary chakra and is also known as the Crown chakra. It represents pure consciousness. By activating it, you can be never confused in your life and understand everything. Sahasrara is the symbol of unlimited peace, realization, consciousness, and awareness. This chakra is connected with the supreme power which is achieved by few peoples on earth. It is the hardest chakra to activate due to its limitless power. The word Sahasrara means one thousand and symbolizes a thousand-petalled lotus. The crown chakra is the union of Shiva and Shakti.

Nothing from outside can fulfil you but yourself, happiness is within

200-Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC In World Peace Yoga School In Thailand

World Peace Yoga School in Thailand offers the chance to experience the best Kundalini yoga teacher training. The kundalini yoga helps you explore your true nature and identity. Take your kundalini sadhan practice to the next level and explore kundalini yoga. Our 200-hour Kundalini YTTC in Thailand is certified by the Yoga Alliance. The course provides a unique opportunity to deepen your awareness and understanding of Kundalini and prepare to teach Kundalini to others. By enrolling in our Kundalini course, you will learn from experienced instructors. We will teach you about the philosophy and history of Kundalini yoga.

Whether you are seeking your career in yoga, seeking personal growth, or just being a yoga practitioner, World Peace Yoga School has something to offer you. You will gain the necessary skills, and knowledge to become a certified Kundalini teacher and experience the transformative changes. We have designed the Kundalini yoga TTC to assist you in one of the best ways to understand yoga practices. Our training is the best course to lay your basic foundation to become a motivated yoga teacher.

The training focuses on deepening your kundalini knowledge and meditation practices. Here are some benefits of joining 200-hour kundalini yoga teacher training in Thailand:

Here are some advantages to joining World Peace Yoga School:

  • Become a qualified, certified, and skilled kundalini teacher.
  • Experience the best training from certified yoga teachers.
  • Assignments, quizzes, and exams to improve your understanding and knowledge.
  • Explore the lifetime learning experience.
  • Become a Yoga Alliance registered teacher.
  • Eligibility to join the advanced yoga courses.
  • Life-changing experience to learn spirituality and yogic path.

Your Everyday Retreat

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Your life is a gift of the Divine, Cherish it

Kundalini Awakening & Course Overview

Kundalini yoga sadhana requires mental and physical strength to repeat actions in your mind. You will have to go through different yoga asanas, pranayama, mudra, mantra, meditation, and deep relaxation to practice kundalini. Our Kundalini training challenges you and your body not to give up. It is necessary to gain power and awareness to stop you from getting into bad habits. Kundalini awakening is a challenging and life-changing experience. The sadhana practice grants spiritual, mental, and physical benefits to stimulate the awakening process.

Awakening grants awareness, discipline, and calmness of mind. Join 200-Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC in Thailand to discover unlimited energy present in your body. World Peace Yoga School ensures that you get an intimate learning environment. Our course is suitable for all practitioners to grant their respected RYT certificate. Once you graduate with our RYT 200 course in Kundalini, you will become a Yoga Alliance-certified yoga teacher.

Hatha Yoga Meaning & Purpose | Yogi Ashu ji | Free Preparatory YTTC

Mysterious Temple of Himalaya | Kunjapuri Temple Sunrise View

Day of Yoga Photoshoot At World Peace Yoga School | Rishikesh

Course Overview & Things To Learn?

  • Kundalini Yoga Sadhana
  • Traditional Classical Yoga Practices
  • Alignment & Adjustment
  • Teaching Methodology
  • Yoga Anatomy
  • Introduction to Himalayan Tradition Yoga Practices
  • Different Yoga Traditions of the World
  • Importance and Necessity of Yoga in Life
  • Foundation of Yoga Practice
  • 100+ Yoga Postures
  • Meaning and science behind poses
  • Mindfulness Yoga Training
  • Holistic Yoga for Daily Life
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Pranayama
  • Bandha
  • Meditation Practices
  • Mudra
  • Mantra
  • Yoga Philosophy and more
  • Contemplation Practices

Apply Now For This Course Contact Us For Any Query

Joint Movement & Warm up Theory | Yogi Ashu ji | Free Preparatory YTTC

THE WORLD IS MY FAMILY | Student's Yoga Experience at WPYS

Basics of Teaching Methodology - Haripriya

Why Our School Is Special?

Why Choose World Peace For Kundalini Yoga TTC?

200-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Thailand

  • Comprehensive and detailed curriculum.
  • Intensive kundalini yoga course.
  • Theoretical classes on yoga forms, tantra, and therapy.
  • Learn the spirituality and yogic science.
  • Science of Kundalini sadhana and yogic practices.
  • Study of Vedic scriptures and yoga books.
  • Modern facilities with a hygienic, healthy, clean, and secure environment.
  • Kundalini sadhana, asana, and meditation practices.
  • Experience a yogic and balanced lifestyle.
  • Learn the concepts of joy and happiness.
  • Become a certified Kundalini yoga teacher.

Apply Now For This Course

Why We Are The Best Yoga School In Thailand?

  • 15+ Years Of Teaching Experience.
  • Most reputed yoga school in Thailand.
  • Located in a peaceful surroundings.
  • Eminent Yogic community of teachers and yogis.
  • 15,000+ yoga teachers graduated worldwide.
  • Team of experienced and certified teachers.
  • Attendees from 121+ countries including actors, scientists, writers, etc.
  • Yoga Alliance registered yoga school and training.
  • Ability to work as a certified yoga teacher anywhere in the world.

What Makes Us Different?

  • Bringing Harmony and Peace to the world by teaching yoga.
  • Global awareness of love and peace in the world.
  • Developing a great yogic community in the world.
  • Bringing unity in all cultures, religions, and nationalities.
  • Awareness of healthy and yogic lifestyle.

The highest value of life is to love yourself first

200-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum Details

Mantra & Mantra Chanting


Mantra is a set of words that consist of specific sounds, vibrations received by ancient yogis, and seers which offer a powerful physical, mental and spiritual benefit. There are many kinds of Mantras available for different purposes. You will be learning;

  • Art and science of Mantra
  • Mantra and its power
  • How mantra is made
  • Is mantra a religion
  • Sound vibration

Mantra Chanting

  • The proper way of chanting the Om Mantra
  • Shiva Mantra for Peace
  • Durga Mantra for Energy Awakening
  • Kundalini Mantra
  • Krishna Mantra for Joy
  • Ganesha Mantra for Stillness and Removal of Obstacles
  • Mantra to be led towards light and immortality (Asatoma)
  • Surrender Mantra (Twamevamata)
  • Mantra to Save Life and Journey (Trayamvakam)
  • Mantra for Purification of the Mind (Gayatri)
  • Guru Disciple Study Mantra (Sahana)
  • Guru Mantra (Guru brahma)
  • Patanjali Mantra (Yogenacittasya)
  • Suryanamaskar 12 Mantra (omMitraya)

Kundalini Yoga Asana

  • Bhujangasana (Cobra pose- to the awake heart chakra)
  • Prarthanasana (The prayer pose -to have reverence)
  • Padahastasana (The standing forward bend - to awake Muladhara Chakra)
  • Tadasana (The Tree Pose - for nourishing our spiritual aspiration)
  • Trikonasana (The Triangle pose)
  • Sahaja Agnisar Dhauti (Awakening inner fire - in Manipura Chakra)
  • Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose -to cleanse Vajra Nadi to promote ascendance of the sexual energy towards upper chakras)
  • Shalabhasana (The Locust pose –Increases the blood supply to the sacrum and lower back)
  • Dhanurasana (The Bow pose – remove constipation and improve digestion)
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana (The Lord of the Fishes Pose)
  • Uddiyana Bandha (Upward flying lock)
  • Paschimottanasana (The back stretching pose)
  • Janushirshasana (The head to knee pose- eliminate laziness and weakness)
  • Ushtrasana (The Camel Pose-arousing Manipura chakra)
  • Naukasana (The boat pose – alleviates anxiety and nervousness)
  • Supta Vajrasana (The Reclining Thunderbolt pose – guides the sexual energy through Vajra Nadi towards the brain)
  • Garudasana (The Eagle pose – improve balance and co-ordination)
  • Nauli Kriya (The Navel Cleansing- Balance the three senses of humor of the body Kapha-Vata-pitta)
  • Ardha Shirshasana (Half headstand- rejuvenate the brain cells)
  • Shashankasana (The Hare pose – remove stress, arrogance, selfishness, and anger)
  • Pavanamuktasana (Massages the internal organ and decongests the liver and sexual organs)

Kundalini Asthi Granthi Kriya (Joints Movements)

  • Warm-up Exercises
  • Feet and ankle exercises
  • Knee movement
  • Hip movement and rotation
  • Leg cradle
  • Side bending
  • Arms movement
  • Arm swing
  • Elbow movement
  • Wrist and hand movement
  • Neck exercises
  • Chin, jaw, mouth, tongue, eye, and head exercises

Kriya Yoga Practices For Kundalini Awakening

  • Rules and Preparation
  • Postures
  • Chakra Sadhana
  • Practices to awaken Ajna Chakra
  • Practices to awake Mooladhar Chakra
  • Practices to awake Swadhisthan Chakra
  • Practices to awake Manipura Chakra
  • Practices to awake Anahata Chakra
  • Practices to awake Vishuddhi Chakra
  • Practices to awake Bindu
  • Practices for Chakra Awareness
  • Moola Shakti Bandha (Root Energy Lock)
  • Uddiyana Shakti Bandha (Abdomen Energy Lock)
  • Jalandhar Shakti Bandha (Throat Energy Lock)
  • Maha Shakti Bandha (Great Energy Lock)

Hatha Yoga

World Peace Yoga School teaches the traditional ancient style of Hatha Yoga that has been practiced by the Himalayan Masters for thousands of years. At our school, you practice according to your strength and flexibility. The main purpose is to attain perfect health and peace of mind. Here is the list of asana series that will be practiced;

  • Pavan Muktasana series 1 (15 practices)
  • Pavan Muktasana series – 2 (10 practices)
  • Pavan muktasana series - 3(10 practices)
  • Centering postures series(5 practices)
  • Surya Namaskar (12 asana series)
  • Chandra Namaskar (12 Asana Series)
  • Standing postures series(10 practices)
  • Kneeling postures series(5 practices)
  • Sitting Postures series(10 practices)
  • Forward bending postures series(5 practices)
  • Backward bending postures series(5 practices)
  • Supine postures series(6 practices)
  • Prone Postures series (5 practices)
  • Fire Series series(5 practices)
  • Inversions series(5 practices)
  • Twisting postures series(5 practices)
  • Balancing Postures series(5 practices)
  • Relaxing Posture series(5 practices)
  • Meditative Asana Series(5 practices)

Note: In total, you will learn 140 Yoga Exercises

The theory is just as important as practicing. Without proper understanding, you cannot do well. Our teachers will teach a base of understanding why, how, when, and what you need to do in an asana class. You must be self-motivated to go deeper into the postures. Here are the some of the theories you will be learning;

  • Philosophy of Hatha Yoga
  • Ancient Scriptures of Hatha Yoga
  • Aim and Objectives of Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga as a Therapy
  • Yoga as Balancing
  • How Hatha Yoga Is Connected to Your Chakras, Nadis, Kundalini, and Your Subtle Body

Pranayama (Breathing Practices)

Pranayama is the central practice in traditional yoga. Many people misunderstand Pranayama as the breathing practice only, but it is something more. In this class you will learn the secret of pranayama and how it leads us to health, peace, happiness, balance and awakening of kundalini.

Every week will lead to a different state of experience.

  • Building strength in your system and a step by step understanding of Pranayama.
  • Move towards from beginning to a deeper understanding of Pranayama and practices.
  • Move towards advancing the practices with holding the breath and breathing with chakra awareness.
  • Practice teaching and move towards mastery of the breath.

Here are the topics you will be learning for study of Pranayama:

  • What is Prana
  • What is Pranayama
  • What is breath and connection with the Prana
  • Importance and benefits of Pranayama
  • How to prepare ourselves to practice them
  • Aspects of Breathing
  • Ancients Texts of Breathing
  • General understanding
  • Understand all about nostrils & how to activate them
  • Secrets of Pranayama
  • Breath flow in 5 elements
  • Unit of Prana
  • Function of Prana
  • Three levels of Prana
  • Three Gunas
  • How does prana flow
  • Quality of breath
  • Imbalance of Prana
  • Retention of breath
  • 6 Sitting positions for Pranayama practices
  • Breathing pattern
  • Prana connection with chakras and Kundalini

Beginners and Intermediate Practices

  • Clavicular Pranayama
  • Thoracic Pranayama
  • Diaphragmatic Pranayama
  • Yogic Pranayama
  • Pranava Pranayama
  • Nadisodhanam Pranayama
  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Kapalbhati Pranayama
  • Bhramari Pranayama
  • Ujjayi Pranayama
  • Sitli Pranayama
  • Sitkari Pranayama
  • Murcha Pranayama
  • Surya bhedi Pranayama
  • Chandra bhedi Pranayama

Meditation (Dhyana)

Once you stabilize your posture through Asana, cleanse your energy through Pranayama, and control your senses through Pratyahara you will be able to focus your mind. Meditation starts with concentration practices and with our 200-hour YTTC, you will learn great techniques to master the basics by which you can develop a high-level concentration and awareness.

With this 11 days On-site + Online Yoga Classes program, you will learn basic to intermediate levels of meditation preparations and techniques. Each day you will get a little more understanding of how to perform them and experience their benefits.

  • Developing Foundation
  • Developing one-pointed focus, different types of concentration techniques, and visualization exercises
  • Meditation Techniques
  • Chakra Awareness and Kundalini Meditation

Here is the list of what you will be learning:-

  • Introduction to Meditation
  • History of Meditation
  • Preparation to Meditation
  • What is Meditation and what it is not
  • Why- How- Where- When Meditation
  • Philosophy of Meditation
  • Meditation Traditions
  • Meditation Scriptures
  • Aim and Objectives of Meditation
  • Sitting Positions
  • How to Sit Correctly
  • Preliminary Practices Before Practicing Meditation
  • Role of Diaphragmatic Breathing in Meditation
  • Correct Breathing in Meditation
  • How to Relax in Meditation
  • Lifestyle- Diet- Sleep- Sex- Job- Rules in Meditation

Styles of Meditation Practices

  • Himalayan Meditation Practices
    • Basics Foundation Meditation Practice
    • Breath- Mind- Mantra Awareness
    • Tratak Meditation
  • Nada Meditation Practices
    • Music Meditation
    • Om Meditation
    • Mantra Power Meditation
  • Active Meditation Practices
    • Dynamic Moving Meditation (Osho)
    • Buddha Walking Meditation
    • Karma Yoga Meditation
    • Gaurishankar Meditation
  • Tantra & Kundalini Meditation Practices
    • 7 Chakra Awareness Meditation
    • Ajna Chakra Awakening Meditation
    • Kundalini Active Meditation
  • Vipassana & Passive Meditation Practices
    • Breath Awareness (Anapana)
    • Mindfulness and Sensation
    • Total Awareness Practice
  • Mantra & Kirtan Meditation Practices
  • How to Do Japa (recitation)
  • Kirtan Even and Creating a Spiritual Vibe
  • Silence Practice
  • One Day Silence Meditation

Yoga Nidra (Psychic Sleep)

Yoga Nidra (sleep awareness/ psychic sleep) is a journey from a conscious to a superconscious state of awareness. All animals, birds, insects, and humans sleep in the same way, and the experience of sleep also is the same. This state brings oneness and there is a great secret behind all of it. Yogi Vishnu is one of the most famous Yoga Nidra teachers. His proven techniques have been practiced for a long time by our sages. He will be the mentor and teacher, showing you how it can transform your life in a very short period of time. Yoga Nidra practices will take place every Friday.

  • Basic Relaxation Practices
  • Visualisation Yoga Nidra
  • Chakra Awareness Yoga Nidra
  • Inner Flame Yoga Nidra

You will learn the basics of Yoga Nidra.

  • Meaning and Purpose of Yoga Nidra
  • Different Schools and Traditions of Yoga Nidra
  • Tantric Origin of Yoga Nidra
  • Lifestyle and Rules for Yoga Nidra Practitioners
  • Benefits and Risks of Yoga Nidra
  • Difference Between Yoga Nidra and Meditation
  • Yoga Nidra Experience
  • Yoga Nidra and Healing
  • 4 States of Consciousness
  • 3 Body Awareness
  • Tension Relaxation

Yoga Cleansing (Shatkarma)

The body produces toxins at all times and we need to cleanse our bodies accordingly. Proper ablution, urination, cleaning nostrils, ears, eyes, skin, tongue, and other organs are very important for good health. These are physical, mental, emotional, al, and spiritual cleansing. In the beginning, yoga practitioners should follow six practices (Sat-Karma) by which they can unblock the channels for higher experiences. With your 200-hour YTTC, you will learn these cleansing practices. You will also learn the basic theory of the following;

  • What is Satkarma
  • Benefits and Risks
  • Who Should and Should Not Practice It
  • Experiences
  • Preparation to Satkarma
  • Practices After Completing It
  • Nadi Cleansing

Practices that you will learn

  • Jiwa dhauti
  • Data-Dhauti
  • Karna-Dhauti
  • Rubber-net.
  • Jalaneti.
  • Kapalbhati.
  • Agnisara

Kundalini Tantra Philosophy

Yoga philosophy is the philosophy of life. Just by listening and understanding one can change one's own life. Yogi Vishnu learnt the secrets of Yoga philosophy from his great Master Swami Veda by spending significant time with him. His authentic teachings will be taught by our teachers. Yoga philosophy does not only exist in Yoga Sutra. There are hundreds of Yogic texts and we will introduce you few important ones such as; Yoga Sutra, Bhagawat Geeta, and Upanishad.

During these 11 days On-site + Online Yoga Classes Yoga Philosophy will take you a great journey of wisdom.

Entering to the World of Wisdom

  • Introduction to Indian Culture and Spiritualtiy and Himalayan Tradition
  • Introduction to the Ancient Scriptures of Yoga and Spirituality
  • Meaning and Purpose of Indian Philosophy
  • Introduction to 9 Major Indian Philosophy
  • Why Is Yoga Philosophy the Most Important Among All?
  • History of Yoga
  • Types of Yoga

Patanjali Welcomes you- External limbs !!!

  • Patanjali and His Work
  • Introduction to Yoga Sutra Text
  • Eight Limbs of Yoga
  • Yamas & Niyamas
  • Philosophy of Asana & Pranayama
  • Science of Karma

Inward Journey of Philosophy- Internal Limbs !!!

  • Philosophy of Concentration, Meditation and Samadhi
  • Overview of First Chapter
  • Overview of Second Chapter
  • Overview of the Third and Fourth Chapter of Patanjali
  • Mind and Its Control
  • Introduction to Bhagavat Geeta & Upanishad

Exploring the wisdom of Yoga

  • Chakras
  • Nadi
  • Kundalini
  • Three Fold Pain
  • Three Bodies (Sharira)
  • Panchakosha
  • Tri-guna
  • Mahabhuta (Theory of Elements)

Kundalini Anatomy

  • Nadis/Energy channel
  • Chakras
  • Panchakosha (5 sheaths)
  • Respiratory system
  • Nervous system
  • Tridosha
  • Dhatus
  • Vayu

Yoga Therapy

Yoga is a holistic science which nurtures the body, mind and soul. It has a natural healing energy by which one can remain healthy and if there is any illness, it helps the body heal naturally. You will be learning the basics of Yoga Therapy in the classes. Our teachers will give instructions of therapeutic value of respective practices during the asana, pranayama, meditation and anatomy classes. There will be no specific class for it.

  • What is Yoga Therapy
  • Rules and Regulations of Yoga Therapy
  • Healing Through Asana, Pranayama and Meditation
  • Therapy for Common Diseases


Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga. It believes that the body is made of five elements which create three Doshas; Kapha, Vata and Pitta. When we keep them balanced, we are healthy and when imbalanced, we are ill. Ayurveda talks about a proper health management that all yoga teachers need to know to help people. We provide one Ayurveda workshop from our doctor. Here is what you will learn in the Ayurveda classes;

  • Introduction to Ayurveda
  • Unique Features of Ayurvedic Treatment
  • Fundamentals of Ayurveda
  • Panchamahabhuta
  • Kapha (The theme of structure and lubrication)
  • Vata (the energy of movements)
  • Pitta (the energy of bio-trasformation and heat generation)
  • Prakriti- Know Your Constitution

Kundalini Tantra Mudra

Mudra is a Divine gesture practiced with human hands. There are hundreds of them and they can bring miraculous changes in the body and mind with its extraordinary powers.

You will learn about these powerful and secret mudras and their understanding.

  • The Secrets of Mudra
  • The Position of Elements in the Hands
  • The Need for Mudra
  • The Importance and Advantages of Mudras
  • Special Guidelines About Mudra
  • Gyan Mudra (Gesture of Wisdom)
  • Purn Gyan Mudra (Gesture of Complete Wisdom)
  • Vairagya Mudra(Gesture of Dispassion)
  • Abhaya Mudra(Gesture of Blessing, Fearlessness)
  • Dyan Mudra (Meditation Mudra)
  • Vayu Mudra(Gesture of Air)
  • Pran Mudra (Gesture of Prana)

Bandha (Energy Lock)

The whole universe is made of energy. At all times the energy is converted into matter so that we see the whole universe as what it is. Our physical body is also made of energy and it constantly works with it. With mudra channelise the energy and with bandha we control the energy and prevent it from draining. It helps us manage and maintain the energy. It also is helpful for kundalini awakening.

There are only three Bandhas according to yoga but we will teach you many preparation techniques that will help you perform the bandhas correctly.

Here is what you will learn

  • Meaning and Importance of Energy Lock
  • Why the Energy Lock and How Our Energy Gets Drained
  • Energy Knots and How to Open Them
  • Understanding the Three Chakras; Muladhara-Manipura-Visuddhi
  • Experience of Energy Lock
  • Benefits and Risks of Bandha Practices

Practices (Beginners and Intermediate Level)

  • Agnisar (Preparation to Uddiyana)
  • Vahir Kumbhaka (External Retention)
  • Antar Kumbhaka (Internal Rentention)
  • Ashwini Mudra
  • Vajroli Mudra
  • Mulabandha
  • Uddiyana Bandha
  • Jalandhara Bandha

Teaching Methodology

Learning or practicing yoga is not enough to teach. Teaching yoga is an art in which you transform people's lives. A proper teaching methodology will help you with;

  • Not to forget the sequence
  • Avoid injuries
  • Manage happiness during and after the practice
  • Work with all sides of Yoga and all levels
  • Give a meditative experience
  • Manage and balance the energy flow

Here is what you will learn

  • Proper demonstration of a Yoga practice
  • The proper way to instruct and guide a lesson
  • Proper alignment of yoga postures
  • Proper adjustment with/ without props
  • Yogic personality establishment


  • Sense of alignment
  • Role of alignment in daily practice
  • How to balance prana & chakras
  • How alignment works in 5 koshas
  • Importance of Alignment
  • Different aspect of Alignment
  • To decrease the risk of injuries
  • Increase the movement of joints
  • Alignment based on body regions
  • Upper Limb alignment
  • Lower Limb alignment
  • Torso – Thorax - Abdomen – Pelvis Alignment
  • Head & neck - Alignment
  • Spinal alignment
  • Basic alignment postures
  • How to bring the body in comfortable
  • How to find balance between body and mind


  • What is the sense of yoga adjustment
  • What is the level of yoga adjustment
  • Why adjustment is needed in yoga asana
  • Role of adjustments in yoga asana class
  • Right technique of perfect adjustment
  • How to apply a bandha and when
  • Exploring the dynamics of each asana
  • How to adjust self adjust in a posture
  • How to adjust others during the class
  • Pre required methods of adjustment
  • Uses of different tools and props to achieve a peak of the posture
  • Body weight management during a posture
  • Safety rules and preparations

Evaluation & Certification

At the end of the course, you will be evaluated and according to that, you will get the certification. Your evaluation will be based on the following;

  • Performance during the course
  • Attendance
  • Practical asana demonstration test
  • Written test (Objective and subjective type)
  • Behavior

Awake From The Ignorance And Unconsciousness

200-Hour Kundalini YTTC In Thailand Daily Schedule

Our daily schedule is filled with classes and practices. Students can spend their free time practicing, exploring the area, or hanging out with their friends. Please be on time during your training and class. Students must attend each class because it is important to grow your knowledge. Learn from teachers and books and follow our schedule to learn more. We record daily attendance and all classes are mandatory because they decide your monthly performance.

You can take leave with the teacher’s permission in case of any illness or emergency. Leaving any class without any information will affect the monthly performance of the students. Here is the daily schedule for classes and practices during the training.

05:30 AM Self Practice & Self Awareness

06:15 AM Pranayama and Shatkarma

07:30 AM Hatha Yoga

09:00 AM Breakfast

10:45 AM Yoga Anatomy

12:00 AM Yoga Alignment & Adjustment/ Teaching Methodology

01:15 PM Lunch

02:30 PM Self Study

03:45 PM Yoga Philosophy

05:00 PM kundalini Yoga

07:00 PM Dinner

09:00 PM Self Reflection and Meditation

The timing of teaching and modules may vary dependant on seasons.

Be Calm At All Times Without Fail Or You Will Fail

Yoga Alliance RYT 200 Certification

Upon graduating from World Peace Yoga School, you can register with Yoga Alliance as a Registered Yoga Teacher. Kundalini Yoga is different from Hatha and Vinyasa yoga because of more spiritual and less physical practices. Our RYT 200 Kundalini certification course satisfies all the requirements to be a Yoga Alliance-recognized certified yoga teacher. Yoga Alliance is an organization that develops standards for yoga schools and yoga teacher training to maintain a certain quality of yoga training. It provides support for yoga teachers, yoga schools, and students.

Yoga Alliance represents 20,000+ yoga students and teachers who meet the global yoga teacher training standards. World Peace Yoga School follows all the teaching standards and requirements from the Yoga Alliance. All students who have completed 200-hour kundalini yoga teacher training in Thailand will receive a certification from our school. After that, they will be able to register as Yoga Alliance teachers with the help of the RYT 200 certificate.

Our RYT 200 certification course improves your experience and knowledge. It works as an international identity to show your yoga skills and teach others.

Why Join Us?

  • Become a part of a yoga community of like-minded people.
  • Explore religious and spiritual practices.
  • Experience the transformational journey.
  • Chase to learn from internationally recognized teachers and instructors.
  • Reliable guidance and lifelong learning experience.
  • Become the master of kundalini kriyas, tantra, and yoga philosophy.
  • Enhance your professional credentials with our Yoga Alliance RYT 200 certificate.

Challenges make you strong and always ready to meet provocation

Upcoming Dates For 200-Hour Kundalini Yoga Training In Thailand

Dates Price Book Now

2 Sharing Room Private Room Dorm No Stay & Food

6th To 21th Apr 2025 2 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 Private Room $2299 $2699 Dorm $1499 $1899 (Females Only) No Stay & Food $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

6th To 21th May 2025 3 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 Private Room $2299 $2699 Dorm $1499 $1899 (Females Only) No Stay & Food $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

6th To 21th Jun 2025 3 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 Private Room $2299 $2699 Dorm $1499 $1899 (Females Only) No Stay & Food $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

6th To 21th Jul 2025 3 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 Private Room $2299 $2699 Dorm $1499 $1899 (Females Only) No Stay & Food $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

6th To 21th Aug 2025 4 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 Private Room $2299 $2699 Dorm $1499 $1899 (Females Only) No Stay & Food $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

6th To 21th Sep 2025 7 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 Private Room $2299 $2699 Dorm $1499 $1899 (Females Only) No Stay & Food $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

6th To 21th Oct 2025 6 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 Private Room $2299 $2699 Dorm $1499 $1899 (Females Only) No Stay & Food $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

6th To 21th Nov 2025 7 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 Private Room $2299 $2699 Dorm $1499 $1899 (Females Only) No Stay & Food $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

6th To 21th Dec 2025 6 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 Private Room $2299 $2699 Dorm $1499 $1899 (Females Only) No Stay & Food $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

6th To 21th Jan 2026 5 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 Private Room $2299 $2699 Dorm $1499 $1899 (Females Only) No Stay & Food $1299 $1699 Enroll Now

What Else You Get?

Inclusion / Exclusion / Accommodation / Food


World Peace Yoga School in Thailand offers private and shared accommodation. You can choose between a private room or a double shared room based on your budget. We offer the most luxurious and comfortable stay during your training. Rooms are spacious and fully furnished. You will get clean bedsheets, a pillow, blankets, free wi-fi, etc.

200-Hour-Yoga-Teacher-Training-In-Bali-Dining Area
200-Hour-Yoga-Teacher-Training-In-Bali-Dining Area
200-Hour-Yoga-Teacher-Training-In-Bali-Dining Area
200-Hour-Yoga-Teacher-Training-In-Bali-Dining Area
200-Hour-Yoga-Teacher-Training-In-Bali-Dining Area
200-Hour-Yoga-Teacher-Training-In-Bali-Dining Area
200-Hour-Yoga-Teacher-Training-In-Bali-Dining Area


We serve delicious and healthy food for you which is a combination of yogic and vegetarian meals. We care about your health and serve only meals prepared with fresh fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. These vegetables and fruits are naturally harvested without the use of any chemicals. We follow the Ayurvedic concepts to make you happier and healthier. Food is the key to your health, if food is good, you will be happy and achieve peace of mind.

What Is Included In The Fees?

  • Accommodation during the training.
  • Books, Ebooks, and Notebooks.
  • Fire Ceremony / Opening Ceremony
  • Assessment Diary / Evaluation Diary
  • Outdoor Meditation Practices.
  • Kirtan Evening.
  • Vegetarian meals and Herbal Tea.
  • Explore the famous places / Excursions.
  • Pre-recorded Preparatory Video Course.
  • Yoga Ebooks.

What Is Not Included In The Fees?

Any additional services that you personally require such as:

  • Room Heaters. (Additional Cost)
  • Air-Conditioning. (Additional Cost)
  • Massages, Panchkarma, Ayurvedic therapy. (Available at discounted prices)
  • Medical or Travel Insurance. (Available at discounted prices)
  • Visa Fee / Pick-up and Drop services. (Available at discounted prices)

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What Is Sattvic Or Yogic Diet?

Sattvic is derived from the Sanskrit word Sattva. It is an Indian philosophical concept that means pure, nature, energy, clean, vital, etc. Sattvic Diet and Yogic Diet are the same and it is based on food containing 1 of the 3 yogic qualities. Food is categorized into 2 categories; Tamasic and Rajasic. Tamsic food decreases the energy of your body and Rajasic food increases the energy of the body. This is the main reason yoga practitioners follow a vegetarian diet. In simple words, a sattvic diet emphasizes seasonal fruits and vegetables. Fruits containing no sugar, seeds, nuts, vegetables, oils, grains, and non-meat-based proteins are the best for yogic diet. The human body is made out of 5 elements and the food also contains 5 elements. A yogic or sattvic diet contains all the elements required for your body. Ayurveda is based on these yogic principles. The sattvic diet is recommended in the ayurvedic literature for a better and healthy life. Yoga recommends that eating habits are an important part of yoga practices. Yoga tells us about the quality and quantity of drinks and foods. The diet should be likable, nutritious, tasty, and meet the needs of your body. Eat only whenever you are hungry, do not overeat or fill the stomach capacity. Avoid tamasic food like meat, eggs, etc. to become more focused and flexible.

Every step is an opportunity to grow, do not let it pass you by

Excursion In Thailand

Our 200-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training includes weekend excursions. You can enjoy the view of lush jungles, sandy beaches, limestone cliffs, and turquoise waters. The excursion gives you a chance to experience the local area of Thailand. During your tour in Thailand, you can visit the Damnoen Saduak market, Ayutthaya temple, elephant sanctuary, Bamboo rafting, Doi Inthanon National Park, City highlights temple, etc. These are the top attractions in Thailand.

The human mind and body need time to relax and rejuvenate. Explore Thailand’s beauty during the Kundalini yoga TTC. At World Peace Yoga School, we arrange an excursion tour on Sunday. You can enjoy local foods from nearby restaurants and get to know more about Thai culture.


Kunjapuri Temple


Vashishtha Cave


Parmarth Niketan


Ganga Beach

Live with consciousness

What Do Our Students Say About Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

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Clean your karma and samskara by yogic wisdom

Best Yoga Teachers In Thailand

We have a group of teachers who can spark anyone’s interest in yoga. They are the perfect yogis and you should learn from them and follow a yogic lifestyle. Our teachers have more than 10 years of experience and their teaching style is traditional and full of information. Grab the opportunity to learn Kundalini sadhana that are designed by following Yoga Alliance guidelines. All our teachers are friendly, knowledgeable, and professional. You will have a friendly environment to make the learning fun and easy.

Yogi Vinshu Panigraphi

25+ Years

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Yogini Haripriya

15+ Years

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Ashutosh Mishra

10+ Years

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Yogi Naveen

10+ Years

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Yogini Neha

08+ Years

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Yogi Sunil

12+ Years

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Mandeep Bhatt

15+ Years

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Sujata Ray (Mili)

08+ Years

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Umakanta Sahoo (Guna)

08+ Years

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Yogi Praveen Rajput

18+ Years

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We Follow

The 5000 Years Old Yoga Tradition of The Himalayan Masters

Agastya Muni

He is the author of some verses of Rig Veda, He is the one of the most seven revered rishi, one of the siddha of shavism tradition.

Patanjali (4th Century BC)

A great Raja Yogi of Siddha Tradition, Writer of Yoga Sutra- here he brought all 4000 yoga tradition in 196 sutras and make easy.

Siddha Bhogar (550 BC)

A great Siddha accomplished yogi and disciple of Agastya Muni.

Mahavatar Babaji (30 Nov 203 AD still alive in Himalayas)

An immortal yogi of Himalaya, disciple of Siddha Bhogar Nather.

Guru Vishnu: (1974 birth and now in Rishikesh)

Leading Master of yoga and meditation of the ancient Himalayan Tradition. He is the disciple of Swami Veda Bharati and founder of World Peace Yoga School.

Swami Veda Bharati: (1933-2015)

Founder of AHYMSIN, a great yogi and writer of many yoga books. (Disciple of Swami Rama of the Himalayas)

Swami Rama(1925-1996)

A Himalayan Yogi disciple of Bengali Baba.

Bengali Baba

A Himalayan Yogi disciple of Mahavatar Babaji.

The progress of your present is baesd on the experiences gained from the past

Why Choose Thailand For Kundalini Yoga Training?

Thailand is known as the Land of Thousand Smiles. Thailand is a spiritual country with tropical scenery and mesmerizing Buddhist temples. Here you will get top-quality yoga training, retreats, and detox programs. The slower pace, friendly vibe, breathtaking views, and beautiful scenery are super attractive for yogis and yoga practitioners. Thailand offers epic sunset and sunrise views. Experience a deeper level of spirituality and yoga sadhana on beaches and mountains. Koh Phangan is the most popular destination for spiritual seekers and yoga practitioners in Thailand.

Helpful people, public transport, good infrastructure, and a safe environment make your Thailand experience better. Even solo female travelers feel safe here and do not face any problems traveling here. You will find great guesthouses, hotels, and hostels suitable for all budgets. The best time to visit Thailand is the cool and dry season between November and March.

Thailand is an idyllic place for yoga and wellness needs. Yoga in Thailand is always a transformative and memorable experience. It offers an idyllic environment for yoga. You will get an abundance of beaches and green hilltops for yoga and wellness activities. Reach your personal yoga goals in pure serenity. Universal thoughtfulness, healthy practices, self-compassion, and holistic spirituality come together in this place. Surround yourself with warm-hearted locals, beautiful temples, and positive energy to live a holistic lifestyle. Enjoy yoga sessions, retreats, spas, steam caverns, and ayurvedic massages.

Thailand’s unique culture draws new visitors with a mix of Buddhist principles, Chinese traditions, and Indian influences. The place leaves a free-spirited and kind-hearted approach to your life. A yoga teacher training in Thailand is the perfect opportunity to strengthen your bond with nature and try new activities. Thailand is the best destination to experience yoga which enriches your soul, body, and mind. Join this extraordinary yoga journey for your spirituality.


Nobody can help you unless you help yourself

More About World Peace Yoga School

  • Large yoga halls.
  • Yoga halls equipped with modern amenities.
  • Meditation halls.
  • Fully furnished rooms.
  • Private washrooms.
  • 24x7 CCTV surveillance.
  • Enjoy natural beauty.
  • Teachers support.
  • Large dining hall.
  • 24x7 warm and cold water supply.
  • Free Wi-Fi.
  • Affordable laundry cost.
  • Nearby market.
  • Modern facilities.

You do not learn anything from anyone unless you are desirous

Prerequisites And Recommended Yoga Books


  • Explore basic yoga literature to enhance your understanding.
  • Contemplate embracing a yogic way of life, incorporating the consumption of yogic foods.
  • Refrain from the intake of fish, meat, eggs, coffee, black tea, alcohol, tobacco, and detrimental substances.
  • Sustain your enthusiasm in your yoga journey by establishing goals and cultivating a positive mindset.

Recommended Yoga Books

We have selected these yoga books to enhance your yoga knowledge and deepen your kundalini knowledge. Read these books to improve your kundalini sadhana practices.


Yoga Anatomy By Leslie Kaminoff


Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha


Daily Life of a Yogi By Guru Vishnu


Himalayan Tradition Of Yoga Meditation


Manta Book By Guru Vishnu Ji


Meditation And Its Methods


Patanjali Yoga Sutras Bu Swami Vivekanand


The real guru is within you ready to help and guide you

What Graduates Can Do After The Yoga Training?

After The Course

  • Attain the pinnacle of your yoga journey by achieving the basic level of certification.
  • Transform into a certified yoga teacher and become a confident, wise, and physically strong instructor.
  • Take charge of your classes with the knowledge and skills acquired, ensuring a safe and inspiring environment for your students to thrive.
  • Consider World Peace Yoga School in Thailand not just as a training ground but as your second home, where you'll always be greeted with warmth and a sense of belonging.
  • Continue your educational journey through our diverse online courses, designed to continuously expand your knowledge base and keep you at the forefront of yogic practices.
  • Broaden your perspective by exploring various yoga styles, enriching your understanding and versatility as an instructor.

Apply Now For This Course Contact Us For Any Query

Leaving Early?

  • Training fees are non-refundable.
  • To continue your yoga experience, consider attending the next training programs.
  • If you need to depart a couple of days before the certification exam, we may schedule it early.
  • Only after completing the full program will you be issued a certificate.

On Free Days

  • Your day off is set for Sunday.
  • Relax by practicing yoga positions and meditation.
  • As part of your training, go on two trips.
  • Investigate surrounding eateries and locations.
  • Take it easy, practice, and read a little.

Your Everyday Retreat

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Change is an essence of existence

FAQ’s About 200 Hour Kundalini YTTC In Thailand

How Long Does It Take To Complete 200-Hour Kundalini Yoga Training?

The training period varies from school to school. Our 200-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training only takes 11 days On-site + Online Yoga Classes to complete. The schedule includes daily classes and practice sessions.

What Are The Benefits Of 200-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training?

The Kundalini yoga training offers a great opportunity to deepen Kundalini practices, personal growth, self-awareness, and understanding the Kundalini awakening process. Most importantly, the training offers you eligibility to teach kundalini yoga worldwide.

Tell Me More About Facilities And Room?

World Peace Yoga School offers fully furnished shared and private rooms. The amenities include free wifi, cold water supply, hot water supply, clean towels, and wardrobes. The additional cost will be required for air conditioning, heater, laundry service, etc.

What Food Do You Offer?

We offer 3 vegetarian meals daily. We follow the Ayurveda principles and serve yogic food. Enjoy Indian cuisine including vegetables, lentils, chapati, rice, fruits, etc. You will also get herbal tea to detox your body. The food prepared is easy to digest, nutritious, and improves the overall wellness of your body.

Do I Need A Special Cloth To Attend Yoga Training?

No, you can choose comfortable clothes for better alignment and adjustment practices. However, you can bring white clothes to attend opening and closing ceremonies. Follow the local traditions and culture while visiting nearby temples.

What Is The Refund Process For Yoga Teacher Training?

The advanced training is not refundable but you can join other upcoming courses within a year. However, in any emergency, you can contact us to reschedule your Kundalini yoga teacher training. In case of cancellation, the advance deposit fee will not be refunded.

Why Kundalini Is Different From Other Yoga Forms?

Kundalini yoga combines specific breathing patterns, movements, singing, and mantra chanting. It is more spiritual compared to other yoga types. Kundalini yoga serves the only purpose of promoting spiritual enlightenment.

How Many Chakras Are In Kundalini Yoga?

There are a total of 7 primary chakras in the human body. In simple words, our body is made up of 7 energy points. Their names are Muldhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajna, and Sahasrara. These chakra start from the tail of your spine and move upwards to your head.

How To Awaken Kundalini Chakra?

Focus on meditation techniques, breathing exercises, yoga postures, mantra chanting, sound healing, and yoga postures to practice the kundalini awakening process.

Is Kundalini Yoga Training Recommended For Everyone?

There is nothing to worry about if you get the right support and practice Kundalini yoga. However, kundalini awakening is a tough path and takes many years. Everyone can practice Kundalini yoga but you need to consult your doctor in case of any physical injuries.

What Are The Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Requirements?

200 hour Kundalini yoga training is a basic course and does not require any credentials to join the course. However, 300 hour Kundalini course is an advanced course and requires the RYT 200 certificate.

Always Remember You Are The Whole

Rules And Policies Of World Peace Yoga School

Code Of Conduct For Students

World Peace Yoga School requires students to adhere to these rules:

  • No consumption of non-vegetarian food, alcohol, or smoking is permitted on campus.
  • Inform the kitchen staff if you're skipping a meal to minimize food wastage.
  • Display respect towards others throughout your training.
  • Maintain a peaceful environment and adhere to all class rules.
  • Attend all classes and be punctual.
  • Return any borrowed maps, books, or items.
  • Accommodation is solely for trainees; friends or family cannot stay on campus.
  • Full attendance and successful completion of the final exam are essential for certification.

Compliance With Yoga Alliance Guidelines

World Peace Yoga School follows the guidelines established by the Yoga Alliance. Our curriculum includes all essential topics for RYS teacher training, covering yoga techniques, asana practice, teaching methodology, anatomy and physiology, yoga philosophy, lifestyle, ethics, practicals, and more. We make sure to meet the minimum number of hours in each category, as outlined by the organization. Moreover, students receive additional study hours in the specified categories.

Our students should be aware of the following policies:

  • Attendance Policy: Attendance is required for all students participating in the yoga teacher training course, including classes and events. We closely monitor the performance of each student throughout the training, and it plays a significant role in determining your overall certification.
  • Anti-Retaliation Policy: Our anti-retaliation policy is in place to protect our trainees from various forms of misconduct, including violations, physical or verbal abuse, threats, and more.
  • Anti-Harassment Policy: This policy guarantees the protection of our students by prohibiting discrimination based on personal characteristics such as race, age, sex, ethnicity, gender, etc. It also establishes safeguards against sexual harassment.

Refund Policy At World Peace Yoga School

World Peace Yoga School does not offer deposit refunds. If you decide to cancel and join our upcoming yoga training batch, you must do so at least 30 days in advance. Once the course begins, no refunds will be provided. In the event of flight cancellations or illness preventing your participation, you have the option to reschedule the date.

Your Everyday Retreat

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Our Review & Ratings

What Our Students Say About Their Yoga Teacher Training In Thailand

Gabriele Di Mauro

United States

I truly appreciate the knowledge and experience I received from them. The teachers are helpful and experienced. I loved the room and the food. I did my 200-hour Kundalini YTTC from World Peace Yoga School in Thailand. The training is highly recommended for anyone looking for basic Kundalini knowledge.

Gabriele Di Mauro

Olivia Whalley


Incredible experience and I feel grateful for this learning opportunity. The food and accommodation were fantastic. We learned about yoga, healing methods, and spirituality which led me to live a peaceful life. I can honestly say that it was the best experience. Highly recommend the World Peace Yoga School and thank you so much for making the yoga training very special.

Olivia Whalley

Sofie Swiecki


I completed my 200-hour Kundalini yoga course at World Peace Yoga School in Thailand. The school is located in a peaceful area surrounded by scenic natural beauty. The training was very challenging and rewarding. This training was perfect for all students and empowered us to deepen Kundalini practices. I’m grateful to all the teachers for sharing their knowledge with us. Overall, a great experience.

Sofie Swiecki

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