300 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Bali

300 Hours YTTC taking your journey to the next level.

Yoga Is 99% Practice & 1% Theory

300-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Bali, Indonesia

Are you ready to take your practice and understanding of Kundalini Yoga to the next level? Our 300-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali is the perfect opportunity to deepen your knowledge and skills while enjoying the stunning surroundings of this beautiful island.

Led by experienced and highly trained instructors who have studied Kundalini Yoga in its birthplace in India, our 300-hour course is designed to help you unlock your full potential as a Kundalini Yoga teacher. Over the course of our program, you will delve deeper into the principles of pranayama, asana, meditation, mantra, and yogic philosophy, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the chakras and subtle body.

Our 300-hour training is structured to provide a comprehensive and immersive experience, with plenty of opportunities to practice teaching, receive feedback, and refine your teaching style. Whether you are looking to teach Kundalini Yoga professionally or simply deepen your practice, our experienced instructors will guide you every step of the way.

In addition to the curriculum, we offer a range of workshops and activities to enhance your experience in Bali. You will have the opportunity to attend workshops on topics such as the business of yoga, anatomy, and teaching special populations. You can also participate in group activities such as ecstatic dance, sound healing, and kirtan. Plus, you can explore Bali's beautiful beaches, temples, and cultural sites during your free time.

To be eligible for our 300-hour course, you must have already completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training program. Upon completion of our program, you will be a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher recognized by the Yoga Alliance.

If you are ready to take your practice and teaching skills to the next level, join us for our 300-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali. This is a life-changing opportunity to deepen your practice, gain valuable teaching skills, and experience the beauty of Bali. We look forward to welcoming you!

Kundalini Chakras and Activation

Kundalini Yoga use a combination of physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation, and chanting (mantra) to help activate and move the Kundalini energy. The practice is designed to stimulate the nervous and glandular systems, which are responsible for regulating the body's functions and maintaining overall health and well-being.

As the Kundalini energy rises through the chakras, it can help to release any blockages or imbalances in these energy centers. This can lead to greater physical, emotional, and spiritual health, as well as a deeper sense of connection to the self and the world around us.

Kundalini Yoga Traditions Followed At World Peace Yoga School

Kundalini Yoga is a powerful practice that focuses on the awakening of the dormant energy that lies at the base of the spine, known as Kundalini energy. The process of Kundalini awakening involves the movement of this energy up through the central channel of the body, activating and balancing the chakras along the way.

Yoga can be a powerful tool in supporting the process of Kundalini awakening and chakra activation. By practicing regularly, you can build strength, flexibility, and endurance in the body, which can help to prepare you for the energy shifts that can occur during Kundalini awakening. In addition, yoga can help to calm and focus the mind, which is essential for navigating the sometimes intense experiences that can arise during this process.

If you are interested in exploring the transformative power of Kundalini Yoga and chakra activation, consider enrolling in our 300-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali. Our experienced instructors will guide you through a comprehensive curriculum that includes both the theory and practice of Kundalini Yoga, helping you to deepen your understanding and practice of this powerful tradition.

This practice helps to expand our aura and energy field, and we encourage our students to wear white during group activities and practice teaching sessions. Sadhana is a daily practice that includes chanting, meditation, and yoga to raise consciousness and connect with the divine. We offer training for those who wish to participate, providing a powerful tool for personal growth and spiritual development.

300 hour YTTC exclusive - now includes:

  • 50 hour Yin Yoga - learn to come into being

Know The Chakras

Seven Chakras In Kundalini Yoga

In Kundalini Yoga, the seven chakras are considered vital energy centers that govern our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These chakras are interconnected and influence one another, and by working with them, we can activate our innate potential and cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and spiritual growth.

By working with the chakras in Kundalini Yoga, we can cultivate greater awareness of our energy centers and learn to balance and activate them for optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Through practices such as pranayama, meditation, asana, and mantra, we can awaken the Kundalini energy that lies dormant within us and activate each chakra to reach our highest levels of consciousness and spiritual evolution.

Have a look at seven chakras:

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the element of earth. Its color is red. The root chakra represents our sense of grounding and stability. When balanced, we feel safe and secure in our physical bodies and our environment. An imbalanced root chakra can lead to anxiety, fear, and a sense of disconnection from the body. Kundalini Yoga practices that benefit the root chakra include standing postures, grounding meditations, and deep relaxation techniques.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

The sacral chakra is located just below the navel and is associated with the element of water. Its color is orange. The sacral chakra represents our creativity, sensuality, and emotional expression. When balanced, we feel a sense of passion and joy in life. An imbalanced sacral chakra can lead to a lack of creativity, emotional suppression, and difficulty with intimacy. Kundalini Yoga practices that benefit the sacral chakra include hip-opening postures, breathwork, and chanting.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

The solar plexus chakra is located in the upper abdomen and is associated with the element of fire. Its color is yellow. The solar plexus chakra represents our sense of personal power and confidence. When balanced, we feel a sense of self-esteem and inner strength. An imbalanced solar plexus chakra can lead to low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, and digestive issues. Kundalini Yoga practices that benefit the solar plexus chakra include core-strengthening postures, a breath of fire, and chanting.

Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest and is associated with the element of air. Its color is green. The heart chakra represents our ability to give and receive love, compassion, and connection. When balanced, we feel a sense of love, empathy, and connection to others. An imbalanced heart chakra can lead to feelings of isolation, emotional detachment, and difficulty with relationships. Kundalini Yoga practices that benefit the heart chakra include heart-opening postures, pranayama, and chanting.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

The throat chakra is located in the throat area and is associated with the element of ether or space. Its color is blue. The throat chakra represents our ability to communicate our truth and express ourselves authentically. When balanced, we feel a sense of clear communication and self-expression. An imbalanced throat chakra can lead to difficulty with self-expression, communication, and speaking one's truth. Kundalini Yoga practices that benefit the throat chakra include throat-opening postures, chanting, and meditation.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows and is associated with the element of light or intuition. Its color is indigo. The third eye chakra represents our intuition, insight, and inner wisdom. When balanced, we feel a sense of clarity, intuition, and inner guidance. An imbalanced third eye chakra can lead to a lack of clarity, confusion, and difficulty with decision-making. Kundalini Yoga practices that benefit the third eye chakra include meditation, pranayama, and eye-focused postures.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated with the element of pure consciousness. Its color is violet or white. The crown chakra represents our connection.

Nothing From Outside Can Fulfil You But Yourself, Happiness Is Within

300-Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC From World Peace Yoga School

Kundalini yoga is a potent technique that aids people in connecting with their higher selves and awakening their inner potential. A 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTTC) is a comprehensive course that will help you better understand Kundalini Yoga and get you ready to teach its principles to others. The transforming potential of a 300-hour Kundalini YTTC and how it may improve your practice and teaching abilities will be discussed in this blog article.

You will start on a transforming journey via this course that will not only improve your practice but also give you the ability to assist others on their spiritual path. With advanced kriyas, meditations, pranayama, and other methods, you will develop your understanding of and practice Kundalini Yoga throughout the course. Learn how to awaken the Kundalini energy to enter higher realms of awareness as well as the subtle energy systems of the body. As a result, your reputation as a Kundalini yoga authority will grow, which will strengthen your teaching credentials.

Finding a group of people who share your enthusiasm for yoga and spirituality through a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course is a great opportunity. You will create lifelong friendships and deep connections via group activities and conversations. You can stay inspired and motivated in your teaching and personal practice through this sense of community.

You will get the confidence and expertise necessary to instruct Kundalini Yoga via the training. You will learn how to design lessons that are secure, efficient, and motivating for your pupils. Also, you'll learn how to advertise your services as a yoga instructor and the business of yoga. This will increase your earning potential and help you become a sought-after instructor.

Kundalini yoga is an effective technique for making changes in your life. When you overcome your restrictions and obstructions, you will undergo profound healing and transformation. After finishing the course, you'll feel more connected to your higher self, clearer, and with a stronger sense of purpose. You may increase student enrollment and enhance your teaching reputation by going through this internal shift.

The 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course will profoundly enhance your practice, broaden your consciousness, and equip you to spread the transformational benefits of Kundalini Yoga to others. A 300-hour Kundalini YTTC could be the best option for you if you're ready to advance your practice and start a path of self-reflection and change.

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Your Life Is A Gift Of The Divine, Cherish It

Kundalini Awakening & Brief Overview Of Course

The process of releasing the latent energy known as the "coiled serpent," which is located at the base of the spine, is known as kundalini awakening. The chakras are activated and balanced when this potent energy is aroused, which leads to a profound spiritual transformation. Even though the Kundalini awakening has the potential to be a profound and life-altering event, it is crucial to approach it with caution and under the direction of an experienced teacher.

Awakening of the kundalini may be a potent instrument for change and personal growth. We may recognize and let go of old thinking and behavior patterns that do not serve us when the energy flows through the chakras. A stronger feeling of life purpose, more self-awareness, and more confidence can all result from this inner change process.

In conclusion, Kundalini's awakening has the potential to be a deep and transforming experience that promotes personal development and change as well as an increase in spiritual consciousness. It is crucial to approach it cautiously and under the direction of a knowledgeable tutor, though.

Student Reviews at World Peace Yoga School Bali

Facilities, Activities, & Excursion

Kundalini Svadhishthana Chakra Kriya Class | World Peace Yoga School

Brief Overview Of What You Will Learn?

The 300-hour Kundalini Yoga training course will address the themes listed in the bullet points below in more detail. It's crucial to remember that the course will provide students with a thorough education in Kundalini Yoga and will equip them with the skills necessary to teach Kundalini Yoga sessions with assurance once they've finished.

  • History and philosophy of kundalini yoga.
  • Methods for energizing and restoring balance to the chakras.
  • Kriyas from Kundalini Yoga (sets of exercises).
  • Pranayama (breathing methods) (breathing techniques).
  • Meditative techniques.
  • The importance of mantra chanting.
  • Biology and anatomy.
  • Ayurvedic self-care guidelines.
  • Experience teaching in a class.
  • Personal and spiritual development.
  • The functions of the instructor or teacher.
  • How to organize a class in Kundalini yoga.
  • A daily spiritual practice's significance.
  • How to deal with kids who have varying restrictions and talents.
  • Kundalini yoga modifications include the usage of props.
  • The morals of teaching yoga and keeping appropriate limits in the workplace.

How to Sequence a Kundalini Yoga Class | World Peace Yoga School

Guru Vishnu Welcomes Yoga Students with his Speech

Traditional Teaching Methodology of Kundalini Yoga | World Peace Yoga School

Why Is Our School Special?

Why Choose World Peace Yoga School For Yoga

Know Why World Peace Yoga School?

These bullet points highlight some of the key reasons why World Peace Yoga School stands out as an excellent choice for a Kundalini Yoga training course. We strive to provide a high-quality, comprehensive education that prepares students to become confident and competent Kundalini Yoga teachers while fostering personal growth and transformation in a supportive and inclusive environment.

  • Experienced and knowledgeable teachers with years of teaching and practice.
  • A comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of Yoga Alliance.
  • Individualized attention and feedback.
  • A focus on self-care and holistic health, with instruction on Ayurvedic principles and daily self-care practices.
  • Emphasis on the spiritual and meditative aspects of Kundalini Yoga, in addition to physical postures.
  • A commitment to ethical and professional standards in teaching yoga.
  • Flexible scheduling options, including intensive and part-time courses.
  • Affordable tuition rates and payment plans are available.
  • Access to guest teachers and workshops to deepen your knowledge and practice.
  • An emphasis on accessibility and inclusivity, with accommodations for students with different abilities and needs.

Why 300 Kundalini YTTC With World Peace Yoga School?

  • Traditional Kundalini Yoga practices are combined with current teaching approaches.
  • Personal change and spiritual progress, as well as professional advancement, are prioritized.
  • An investigation of the science of Kundalini Yoga and its impact on the mind, body, and soul.
  • Technology and internet resources are used to enhance the learning experience.
  • Ayurvedic concepts and practices are incorporated for comprehensive health and well-being.
  • With accommodations for students with varying abilities and needs, the emphasis should be on inclusion and accessibility.
  • Our Karma Yoga program provides opportunities for community involvement and giving back.
  • Incorporation of guest lecturers and seminars to broaden your knowledge and practice.
  • Personal growth and change are fostered by the helpful and nurturing learning environment.
  • Dedication to ethical and professional standards in yoga instruction.

Why Are We Different?

  • Our distinctive combination of ancient Kundalini Yoga practices and modern teaching approaches and techniques.
  • Our dedication to providing a thorough education in all elements of Kundalini Yoga, including philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methods.
  • In addition to professional development, we place a strong focus on personal change and spiritual progress.
  • Our emphasis is on inclusiveness and accessibility, with accommodations for students of various abilities and needs.
  • Our warm and compassionate learning atmosphere supports personal growth and transformation.

Apply Now For This Course Contact Us For Any Query

The Highest Value Of Life Is To Love Yourself First

Curriculum For 300-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course

Mantra & Mantra Chanting


Mantra is a set of words that consist of specific sounds, vibrations received by ancient yogis, and seers which offer a powerful physical, mental and spiritual benefit. There are many kinds of Mantras available for different purposes. You will be learning;

  • Art and science of Mantra
  • Mantra and its power
  • How mantra is made
  • Is mantra a religion
  • Sound vibration

Mantra Chanting

  • The proper way of chanting the Om Mantra
  • Shiva Mantra for Peace
  • Durga Mantra for Energy Awakening
  • Kundalini Mantra
  • Krishna Mantra for Joy
  • Ganesha Mantra for Stillness and Removal of Obstacles
  • Mantra to be led towards light and immortality (Asatoma)
  • Surrender Mantra (Twamevamata)
  • Mantra to Save Life and Journey (Trayamvakam)
  • Mantra for Purification of the Mind (Gayatri)
  • Guru Disciple Study Mantra (Sahana)
  • Guru Mantra (Guru brahma)
  • Patanjali Mantra (Yogenacittasya)
  • Suryanamaskar 12 Mantra (omMitraya)

Kundalini Yoga Asana

  • Alignment, Assist, and Adjustment
  • Surya namaskar (sun salutation)
  • Chandra namaskar (moon salutation)
    • Bharadvajasana
    • Lolasana – swinging pose
    • Kukkutasana – rooster pose
    • Sarpasana – snake pose
    • Shalabhasana – locust pose
    • Dhanurasana – Bow pose
    • Paschimottanasana – seated forward bend
    • Janu sirshasana – head to knee pose
    • Parivirta janu sirshasana – revolving head to knee pose
    • Sarvangasana – shoulder stand
    • Padam sarvangasana – shoulder stand lotus pose
    • Sirshasana- Headstand
    • Natarajasana – lord shiva’s pose
    • Utthita hasta padangusthasana
    • Naukasana –Boat pose
    • Vatayanasana – horse face pose
    • Mayurasana – peacock pose
    • Koormasana – tortoise pose
    • Chakrasana –wheel pose
    • Hanumanasana – monkey pose
    • Agnistambhasana- fire log pose
    • Brahmacharyasana –celibate’s pose
    • Astavakrasana – eight-twists pose
    • Ek pada sirasana – one foot to head pose
    • Chaturanga Dandasana
    • Pincha Mayurasana-Feathered Peacock Pose
    • Eka Pada Koundinyasana- sage koundinyasana
    • Handstand – Adho Mukha Vrksasana
    • Ardha Pincha Mayurasana- dolphin pose
    • Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana- dolphin plank pose
    • Bakasana –crow pose
    • Ek pada bakasana – one leg crow
    • Utthan Pristhasana- lizard pose
    • Pashasana-Noose Pose
    • Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana- sundial or compass pose
    • Titibasana-fire fly pose
    • Parshva bakasana – side crow

Kundalini Asthi Granthi Kriya (Joints Movements)

  • Warm-up Exercises
  • Feet and ankle exercises
  • Knee movement
  • Hip movement and rotation
  • Leg cradle
  • Side bending
  • Arms movement
  • Arm swing
  • Elbow movement
  • Wrist and hand movement
  • Neck exercises
  • Chin, jaw, mouth, tongue, eye, and head exercises

Kriya Yoga Practices For Kundalini Awakening

  • Rules and Preparation
  • Postures
  • Chakra Sadhana
  • Practices to awaken Ajna Chakra
  • Practices to awake Mooladhar Chakra
  • Practices to awake Swadhisthan Chakra
  • Practices to awake Manipura Chakra
  • Practices to awake Anahata Chakra
  • Practices to awake Vishuddhi Chakra
  • Practices to awake Bindu
  • Practices for Chakra Awareness
  • Moola Shakti Bandha (Root Energy Lock)
  • Uddiyana Shakti Bandha (Abdomen Energy Lock)
  • Jalandhar Shakti Bandha (Throat Energy Lock)
  • Maha Shakti Bandha (Great Energy Lock)

Basic Sanskrit And Chakra Sound

  • Vija Mantra of chakras
    • Lam
    • Vam
    • Ram
    • Yam
    • Ham
    • Om
  • Sanskrit Syllable
    • Vowel
    • Consonant
  • Sound in different Chakras

Kundalini Yoga Theory & Practice

  • Serpent power
  • Why kundalini is sleeping
  • The risk to awakening kundalini
  • Food for kundalini awakening
  • Sex and kundalini
  • Tantric understanding of kundalini
  • Muladhara chakra
  • Swadhisthan chakra
  • Manipura chakra
  • Anahata chakra
  • Visuddhi chakra
  • Ajna chakra
  • Sahasrara chakra
  • Guru and disciple relationship
  • Initiation
  • Feminine energy

Hatha Yoga

World Peace Yoga School teaches the traditional ancient style of Hatha Yoga that has been practiced by the Himalayan Masters for thousands of years. At our school you practice according to your strength and flexibility. The main purpose is to attain perfect health and peace of mind. Here is the list of asana series that will be practiced;

  • Pavan Muktasana series 1 (15 practices)
  • Pavan Muktasana series – 2 (10 practices)
  • Pavan muktasana series - 3(10 practices)
  • Centering postures series(5 practices)
  • Surya Namaskar (12 asana series)
  • Chandra Namaskar (12 Asana Series)
  • Standing postures series(10 practices)
  • Kneeling postures series(5 practices)
  • Sitting Postures series(10 practices)
  • Forward bending postures series(5 practices)
  • Backward bending postures series(5 practices)
  • Supine postures series(6 practices)
  • Prone Postures series (5 practices)
  • Fire Series series(5 practices)
  • Inversions series(5 practices)
  • Twisting postures series(5 practices)
  • Balancing Postures series(5 practices)
  • Relaxing Posture series(5 practices)
  • Meditative Asana Series(5 practices)

Note: In total you will learn 140 Yoga Exercises

The theory is just as important as practicing. Without proper understanding you cannot do well. Our teachers will teach a base of understanding why, how, when and what you need to do in an asana class. You must be self-motivated to go deeper into the postures. Here is the some of the theory you will be learning;

  • Philosophy of Hatha Yoga
  • Ancient Scriptures of Hatha Yoga
  • Aim and Objectives of Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga as a Therapy
  • Yoga as Balancing
  • How Hatha Yoga Is Connected to Your Chakras, Nadis, Kundalini and Your Subtle Body

Pranayama (Breathing Practices)

Pranayama is the central practice in traditional yoga. Many people misunderstand Pranayama as the breathing practice only, but it is something more. In this class you will learn the secret of pranayama and how it leads us to health, peace, happiness, balance and awakening of kundalini.

Every week will lead to a different state of experience.

  • Building strength in your system and a step by step understanding of Pranayama.
  • Move towards from beginning to a deeper understanding of Pranayama and practices.
  • Move towards advancing the practices with holding the breath and breathing with chakra awareness.
  • Practice teaching and move towards mastery of the breath.

Here are the topics you will be learning for study of Pranayama:

  • What is Prana
  • What is Pranayama
  • What is breath and connection with the Prana
  • Importance and benefits of Pranayama
  • How to prepare ourselves to practice them
  • Aspects of Breathing
  • Ancients Texts of Breathing
  • General understanding
  • Understand all about nostrils & how to activate them
  • Secrets of Pranayama
  • Breath flow in 5 elements
  • Unit of Prana
  • Function of Prana
  • Three levels of Prana
  • Three Gunas
  • How does prana flow
  • Quality of breath
  • Imbalance of Prana
  • Retention of breath
  • 6 Sitting positions for Pranayama practices
  • Breathing pattern
  • Prana connection with chakras and Kundalini

Beginners and Intermediate Practices

  • Clavicular Pranayama
  • Thoracic Pranayama
  • Diaphragmatic Pranayama
  • Yogic Pranayama
  • Pranava Pranayama
  • Nadisodhanam Pranayama
  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Kapalbhati Pranayama
  • Bhramari Pranayama
  • Ujjayi Pranayama
  • Sitli Pranayama
  • Sitkari Pranayama
  • Murcha Pranayama
  • Surya bhedi Pranayama
  • Chandra bhedi Pranayama

Meditation (Dhyana)

Once you stabilize your posture through Asana, cleanse your energy through Pranayama, and control your senses through Pratyahara you will be able to focus your mind. Meditation starts with concentration practices and with our 200-hour YTTC, you will learn great techniques to master the basics by which you can develop a high-level concentration and awareness.

With this 24 days program, you will learn basic to intermediate levels of meditation preparations and techniques. Each day you will get a little more understanding of how to perform them and experience their benefits.

  • Developing Foundation
  • Developing one-pointed focus, different types of concentration techniques, and visualization exercises
  • Meditation Techniques
  • Chakra Awareness and Kundalini Meditation

Here is the list of what you will be learning:-

  • Introduction to Meditation
  • History of Meditation
  • Preparation to Meditation
  • What is Meditation and what it is not
  • Why- How- Where- When Meditation
  • Philosophy of Meditation
  • Meditation Traditions
  • Meditation Scriptures
  • Aim and Objectives of Meditation
  • Sitting Positions
  • How to Sit Correctly
  • Preliminary Practices Before Practicing Meditation
  • Role of Diaphragmatic Breathing in Meditation
  • Correct Breathing in Meditation
  • How to Relax in Meditation
  • Lifestyle- Diet- Sleep- Sex- Job- Rules in Meditation

Styles of Meditation Practices

  • Himalayan Meditation Practices
    • Basics Foundation Meditation Practice
    • Breath- Mind- Mantra Awareness
    • Tratak Meditation
  • Nada Meditation Practices
    • Music Meditation
    • Om Meditation
    • Mantra Power Meditation
  • Active Meditation Practices
    • Dynamic Moving Meditation (Osho)
    • Buddha Walking Meditation
    • Karma Yoga Meditation
    • Gaurishankar Meditation
  • Tantra & Kundalini Meditation Practices
    • 7 Chakra Awareness Meditation
    • Ajna Chakra Awakening Meditation
    • Kundalini Active Meditation
  • Vipassana & Passive Meditation Practices
    • Breath Awareness (Anapana)
    • Mindfulness and Sensation
    • Total Awareness Practice
  • Mantra & Kirtan Meditation Practices
  • How to Do Japa (recitation)
  • Kirtan Even and Creating a Spiritual Vibe
  • Silence Practice
  • One Day Silence Meditation

Yoga Nidra (Psychic Sleep)

Yoga Nidra (sleep awareness/ psychic sleep) is a journey from a conscious to a superconscious state of awareness. All animals, birds, insects, and humans sleep in the same way, and the experience of sleep also is the same. This state brings oneness and there is a great secret behind all of it. Yogi Vishnu is one of the most famous Yoga Nidra teachers. His proven techniques have been practiced for a long time by our sages. He will be the mentor and teacher, showing you how it can transform your life in a very short period of time. Yoga Nidra practices will take place every Friday.

  • Basic Relaxation Practices
  • Visualisation Yoga Nidra
  • Chakra Awareness Yoga Nidra
  • Inner Flame Yoga Nidra

You will learn the basics of Yoga Nidra.

  • Meaning and Purpose of Yoga Nidra
  • Different Schools and Traditions of Yoga Nidra
  • Tantric Origin of Yoga Nidra
  • Lifestyle and Rules for Yoga Nidra Practitioners
  • Benefits and Risks of Yoga Nidra
  • Difference Between Yoga Nidra and Meditation
  • Yoga Nidra Experience
  • Yoga Nidra and Healing
  • 4 States of Consciousness
  • 3 Body Awareness
  • Tension Relaxation

Yoga Cleansing (Shatkarma)

The body produces toxins at all times and we need to cleanse our bodies accordingly. Proper ablution, urination, cleaning nostrils, ears, eyes, skin, tongue, and other organs are very important for good health. These are physical, mental, emotional, al, and spiritual cleansing. In the beginning, yoga practitioners should follow six practices (Sat-Karma) by which they can unblock the channels for higher experiences. With your 200-hour YTTC, you will learn these cleansing practices. You will also learn the basic theory of the following;

  • What is Satkarma
  • Benefits and Risks
  • Who Should and Should Not Practice It
  • Experiences
  • Preparation to Satkarma
  • Practices After Completing It
  • Nadi Cleansing

Practices that you will learn

  • Jiwa dhauti
  • Data-Dhauti
  • Karna-Dhauti
  • Rubber-net.
  • Jalaneti.
  • Kapalbhati.
  • Agnisara

Kundalini Tantra Philosophy

  • Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
  • Definition of the Chakra
  • Understanding the Chakra
  • Mooladhara Chakra
  • Swadhisthan Chakra
  • Manipura Chakra
  • Anahata Chakra
  • Vishudhhi chakra
  • Aagya Chakra
  • Sahasrar chakra
  • Kundalini Awakening process
  • Mantra-Shaktipata

Kundalini Anatomy

  • Nadis/Energy channel
  • Chakras
  • Panchakosha (5 sheaths)
  • Respiratory system
  • Nervous system
  • Tridosha
  • Dhatus
  • Vayu

Yoga Therapy

Yoga is a holistic science which nurtures the body, mind and soul. It has a natural healing energy by which one can remain healthy and if there is any illness, it helps the body heal naturally. You will be learning the basics of Yoga Therapy in the classes. Our teachers will give instructions of therapeutic value of respective practices during the asana, pranayama, meditation and anatomy classes. There will be no specific class for it.

  • What is Yoga Therapy
  • Rules and Regulations of Yoga Therapy
  • Healing Through Asana, Pranayama and Meditation
  • Therapy for Common Diseases


Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga. It believes that the body is made of five elements which create three Doshas; Kapha, Vata and Pitta. When we keep them balanced, we are healthy and when imbalanced, we are ill. Ayurveda talks about a proper health management that all yoga teachers need to know to help people. We provide one Ayurveda workshop from our doctor. Here is what you will learn in the Ayurveda classes;

  • Introduction to Ayurveda
  • Unique Features of Ayurvedic Treatment
  • Ayurveda and Its Diversified Areas
  • Ashtanga Ayurveda
  • Fundamentals of Ayurveda
  • Panchamahabhuta
  • Kapha (The theme of structure and lubrication)
  • Vata (the energy of movements)
  • Pitta (the energy of bio-trasformation and heat generation)
  • Prakriti- Know Your Constitution

Kundalini Tantra Mudra

Mudra is a Divine gesture practiced with human hands. There are hundreds of them and they can bring miraculous changes in the body and mind with its extraordinary powers.

You will learn about these powerful and secret mudras and their understanding.

  • The Secrets of Mudra
  • The Position of Elements in the Hands
  • The Need for Mudra
  • The Importance and Advantages of Mudras
  • Special Guidelines About Mudra
  • Gyan Mudra (Gesture of Wisdom)
  • Purn Gyan Mudra (Gesture of Complete Wisdom)
  • Vairagya Mudra(Gesture of Dispassion)
  • Abhaya Mudra(Gesture of Blessing, Fearlessness)
  • Dyan Mudra (Meditation Mudra)
  • Vayu Mudra(Gesture of Air)
  • Pran Mudra (Gesture of Prana)

Bandha (Energy Lock)

The whole universe is made of energy. At all times the energy is converted into matter so that we see the whole universe as what it is. Our physical body is also made of energy and it constantly works with it. With mudra channelise the energy and with bandha we control the energy and prevent it from draining. It helps us manage and maintain the energy. It also is helpful for kundalini awakening.

There are only three Bandhas according to yoga but we will teach you many preparation techniques that will help you perform the bandhas correctly.

Here is what you will learn

  • Meaning and Importance of Energy Lock
  • Why the Energy Lock and How Our Energy Gets Drained
  • Energy Knots and How to Open Them
  • Understanding the Three Chakras; Muladhara-Manipura-Visuddhi
  • Experience of Energy Lock
  • Benefits and Risks of Bandha Practices

Practices (Beginners and Intermediate Level)

  • Agnisar (Preparation to Uddiyana)
  • Vahir Kumbhaka (External Retention)
  • Antar Kumbhaka (Internal Rentention)
  • Ashwini Mudra
  • Vajroli Mudra
  • Mulabandha
  • Uddiyana Bandha
  • Jalandhara Bandha

Teaching Methodology

Learning or practicing yoga is not enough to teach. Teaching yoga is an art in which you transform people's lives. A proper teaching methodology will help you with;

  • Not to forget the sequence
  • Avoid injuries
  • Manage happiness during and after the practice
  • Work with all sides of Yoga and all levels
  • Give a meditative experience
  • Manage and balance the energy flow

Here is what you will learn

  • Proper demonstration of a Yoga practice
  • The proper way to instruct and guide a lesson
  • Proper alignment of yoga postures
  • Proper adjustment with/ without props
  • Yogic personality establishment


  • Sense of alignment
  • Role of alignment in daily practice
  • How to balance prana & chakras
  • How alignment works in 5 koshas
  • Importance of Alignment
  • Different aspect of Alignment
  • To decrease the risk of injuries
  • Increase the movement of joints
  • Alignment based on body regions
  • Upper Limb alignment
  • Lower Limb alignment
  • Torso – Thorax - Abdomen – Pelvis Alignment
  • Head & neck - Alignment
  • Spinal alignment
  • Basic alignment postures
  • How to bring the body in comfortable
  • How to find balance between body and mind


  • What is the sense of yoga adjustment
  • What is the level of yoga adjustment
  • Why adjustment is needed in yoga asana
  • Role of adjustments in yoga asana class
  • Right technique of perfect adjustment
  • How to apply a bandha and when
  • Exploring the dynamics of each asana
  • How to adjust self adjust in a posture
  • How to adjust others during the class
  • Pre required methods of adjustment
  • Uses of different tools and props to achieve a peak of the posture
  • Body weight management during a posture
  • Safety rules and preparations

Evaluation & Certification

At the end of the course, you will be evaluated and according to that, you will get the certification. Your evaluation will be based on the following;

  • Performance during the course
  • Attendance
  • Practical asana demonstration test
  • Written test (Objective and subjective type)
  • Behavior

Awake From The Ignorance And Unconsciousness

Daily Schedule For 300 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Bali, Indonesia

Our 300-hour Kundalini Yoga teacher training course has a daily schedule that is meant to give a balanced and complete instruction in all elements of Kundalini Yoga while also giving time for relaxation, contemplation, and self-care. To start the day on a focused and grounded note, the normal day begins with an early morning sadhana practice that includes chanting, meditation, and pranayama. The morning lecture follows, in which students study the philosophy and theory underlying Kundalini Yoga, as well as anatomy and teaching methods.

Following a healthy breakfast break, students continue into the physical practice of Kundalini Yoga, where they learn the special kriyas and meditations that distinguish this practice. Following lunch, students have time for rest and self-study, during which they can integrate and reflect on what they have learned and participate in optional seminars and group activities. The day ends with a lecture in which students explore further Kundalini Yoga theory and practices, followed by a soothing meditation and pranayama practice. Overall, the daily routine is meant to give a full and well-rounded education in Kundalini Yoga, while also emphasizing relaxation, self-care, and personal growth.

1st 20 days practice

300 hours YTTC, experience the advanced understanding of core yoga

Last 5 Days you will practice

  • Yin yoga to come into stillness (03:00 PM to 07:30 PM) &
  • Ariel Yoga 05:30 AM - 01:00 PM - learn to fly

05:00 AM - 06:00 AM Kundalini Sadhana

06:15 AM - 07:15 AM Kundalini Pranayama and Meditation

07:30 AM - 09:00 AM Kundalini Theroy & Asana

09:00 AM - 09:45 AM Breakfast

10:45 AM - 11:45 PM Yoga Anatomy

12:00 AM - 01:00 PM Yoga Alignment & Adjustment/ Teaching Methodology

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM Lunch

02:00 PM - 03:30 PM Self Study

03:30 PM - 04:30 PM Kundalini Philosophy

04:30 PM - 06:00 PM Classical Hatha Yoga

06:00 PM - 07:00 PM Dinner

07:00 PM - 08:00 PM Meditation(Self)

Depending on the season, weather the timetable and timings can be subject to change.

Be Calm At All Times Without Fail Or You Will Fail

RYT-300 Certification & Yoga Alliance

The benchmark for qualified yoga instructors is certification from Yoga Alliance. Our 300-hour Kundalini Yoga teacher training program is approved by Yoga Alliance, therefore graduates are qualified to sign up with Yoga Alliance as a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) at the 300-hour level after completing the course. Potential employers and students may be certain that our graduates have met the high criteria for knowledge, abilities, and teaching competency defined by Yoga Alliance thanks to this certification.

Graduates of our program also obtain the Yoga Alliance certification as well as the RYT 300 certificate, which denotes the completion of a thorough Kundalini Yoga training course. For people who want to develop their own practice or start a profession as a yoga teacher, this certificate is an invaluable certification. The fact that studios, gyms, and other yoga organizations throughout the world accept the RYT 300 certificate speaks volumes about how dedicated and committed our alumni are to practicing and passing on the principles of Kundalini Yoga.

Join Us To

  • Get a thorough knowledge of the teaching methods, practices, and philosophy of Kundalini Yoga.
  • Develop a customized routine that enhances your health on all levels—physical, mental, and spiritual.
  • Get the abilities and information required to teach Kundalini Yoga to others with assurance.
  • By diligent study, diligent practice, and reflective thought, experience personal transformation and spiritual growth.
  • Become a part of a global community of Kundalini Yoga students, instructors, and practitioners.

Challenges Make You Strong And Always Ready To Meet Provocation

300-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Bali, Dates

Dates Price Book Now

2 Sharing Room Private Room 4 Sharing Room 6 Sharing Room

1st To 25th Apr 2025 02 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $2199 $2599 Private Room $2799 $3199 4 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 (Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1599 $1999 (Females Only) Enroll Now

1st To 25th May 2025 04 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $2199 $2599 Private Room $2799 $3199 4 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 (Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1599 $1999 (Females Only) Enroll Now

1st To 25th Jun 2025 04 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $2199 $2599 Private Room $2799 $3199 4 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 (Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1599 $1999 (Females Only) Enroll Now

1st To 25th Jul 2025 03 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $2199 $2599 Private Room $2799 $3199 4 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 (Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1599 $1999 (Females Only) Enroll Now

1st To 25th Aug 2025 03 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $2199 $2599 Private Room $2799 $3199 4 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 (Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1599 $1999 (Females Only) Enroll Now

1st To 25th Sep 2025 05 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $2199 $2599 Private Room $2799 $3199 4 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 (Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1599 $1999 (Females Only) Enroll Now

1st To 25th Oct 2025 05 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $2199 $2599 Private Room $2799 $3199 4 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 (Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1599 $1999 (Females Only) Enroll Now

1st To 25th Nov 2025 06 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $2199 $2599 Private Room $2799 $3199 4 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 (Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1599 $1999 (Females Only) Enroll Now

1st To 25th Dec 2025 07 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $2199 $2599 Private Room $2799 $3199 4 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 (Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1599 $1999 (Females Only) Enroll Now

1st To 25th Jan 2026 05 Seats left 2 Sharing Room $2199 $2599 Private Room $2799 $3199 4 Sharing Room $1799 $2199 (Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1599 $1999 (Females Only) Enroll Now

Guru Vishnu & Maa HariPriya both organise their time between Rishikesh and Bali depending on their schedules.

Be Satisfied In Yourself Alone

Accommodation, Food & Inclusion/Exclusion


Throughout the 300-hour Kundalini Yoga teacher training program, our yoga school offers accessible and pleasant housing alternatives for students. Our accommodations, which include alternatives like shared dorm rooms and individual rooms, are made to encourage a healthy and leisurely lifestyle. All of the rooms include cosy mattresses, fans or air conditioning, and closets for storing personal items.

All the facilities and amenities required for a successful and pleasurable training experience are readily available to students. The site has a dining hall, meditation room, outdoor practice area, and yoga studio with all the necessary equipment. In addition, our lodgings are situated in quiet, safe areas that offer a calm environment conducive to learning, practising, and personal development.

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Throughout the course, we also serve nutritious and tasty vegetarian meals to all students. Our meals are created with fresh, locally sourced ingredients and are tailored to meet the training program's physical and mental demands. With early notification, students with dietary restrictions or preferences can be accommodated. Overall, our accommodations are intended to promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle while also providing students with a pleasant and inviting home away from home throughout the training course.

During Sundays, we serve only breakfast. You can enjoy lunch and dinner outdoors from amazing local restaurants and get to know more about Bali food culture.

What Does The Course Fee Include?

  • Accommodation(Air Conditioner Room)
  • Daily nutritious vegetarian meals,
  • Outdoor yoga class
  • Weekend excursions
  • Yoga material
  • Kirtan session
  • Sacred Fire Ceremony
  • Balini Culture experience
  • Towels and bed sheet
  • Online Pre-recorded preparatory course videos after booking

What Is Not Included In The Course Fees?

  • Women's herbal beauty, share wearing, and many more with the help of local ladies.
  • Ayurvedic Panchakarma and Treatment and Healing Sessions/ Training
  • A variety of massages with a discounted price for the students
  • Visa fee/airfare/taxi pick-up from Delhi, Haridwar

Apply Now For This Course Contact Us For Any Query

What Is Yogic Diet?

A plant-based diet known as a yogic diet places an emphasis on wholesome, naturally occurring foods that are nutritious, easily digestible, and that support physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This diet is a crucial component of the yoga lifestyle and is said to help the body and mind achieve balance and optimal health.

A yogic diet aids the body's cleansing and detoxification, assisting in the removal of toxins and waste products that can lead to illness and disease. This is one of the diet's main advantages. The diet is full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which enhance general health and vigour, improve digestion, and strengthen the immune system.

A yogic diet is said to assist mental and emotional health in addition to physical health. A plant-based diet is said to increase mental clarity and focus while calming the mind and lowering stress and anxiety. Practitioners of a yogic diet can assist their bodies and minds in reaching more balance and harmony by consuming healthy and easily digestible foods. A comprehensive approach to health and wellbeing should include a yogic diet as it may help practitioners achieve maximum health and vitality in all facets of their lives.

Live with consciousness

What Students Say About Our Yoga Course at World Peace Yoga School

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You do not learn anything from anyone unless you are desirous

Prerequisites And Recommended Reading


  • Self-motivation
  • World Peace Yoga School prohibits the consumption of meat, fish, eggs, black tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
  • Nudity is strictly prohibited.

Recommended Readings Before This Course

All the books including other study materials will be sent after enrolment of the course, and a online 50 hour preparatory course will be given freely.


Yoga Anatomy By Leslie Kaminoff


Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha


Daily Life of a Yogi By Guru Vishnu


Himalayan Tradition Of Yoga Meditation


Manta Book By Guru Vishnu Ji


Meditation And Its Methods


Patanjali Yoga Sutras Bu Swami Vivekanand


The Real Guru Is Within You Ready To Help And Guide You

What Can You Do After The Course?

On Your Free Day

  • Discover Bali's breathtaking natural features, such as its beaches, waterfalls, and rice terraces.
  • Visit temples, ashrams, and regional markets as well as other spiritual and cultural destinations.
  • Participate in adventurous pursuits like hiking, surfing, or diving.
  • Visit nearby studios for spa services, massages, or yoga to unwind and revitalize.
  • Make contact with other yoga practitioners and instructors to exchange stories and insights.
  • Engage in volunteer work or community service in your local communities or organizations.
  • In Bali, try the local food and explore your alternatives for eating.
  • Check out musical, dance, and art exhibits as well as other cultural events and performances.
  • Journal, meditate, or partake in other types of introspection and reflection
  • Spend some time relaxing and taking care of yourself to refuel for the rest of the workout.

If You Need To Leave Early

  • The fees are not refundable.
  • You can come and join the course at any time.
  • If you want to leave 2 or 3 days before the course ends, you can apply for it. However, you will still need to complete the course and you should contact us.
  • If you complete only half the course, the certificate will not be provided. You can complete the course by using our online course facility.

After The Course

  • Teach Kundalini Yoga classes and workshops
  • Start a personal yoga practice
  • Deepen your understanding of yoga philosophy and spirituality
  • Incorporate Kundalini Yoga techniques into your daily life
  • Pursue further training in Kundalini Yoga or other yoga styles
  • Join a supportive community of Kundalini Yoga practitioners and teachers
  • Organize and lead yoga retreats or events
  • Share the benefits of Kundalini Yoga with others, promoting health and wellness
  • Cultivate self-awareness, self-care, and personal growth through regular practice
  • Explore different avenues of self-expression and creativity through the practice of Kundalini Yoga.

Apply Now For This Course Contact Us For Any Query

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Change Is An Essence Of Existence

Faq’s About 300-Hour Kundalini YTTC In Bali

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga aims to awaken the Kundalini energy, which is asleep at the base of the spine. It is said that this energy is the life force that animates all living things. In order to awaken and transport this energy up through the chakras, or energy centers, of the body, Kundalini Yoga practitioners employ a mix of physical postures, breathing methods, meditation, and chanting.

What are the prerequisites for this training?

Participants are expected to have completed a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training course before enrolling in a 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course. This is because the 300-hour course builds upon the foundational knowledge and skills covered in the 200-hour course.

What is the daily schedule for the training?

A 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course is likely to include a rigorous daily program that includes extensive hours of study, practice, and self-reflection. Yoga practice, meditation, lectures, workshops, and free time for introspection and self-reflection may all be part of a normal day in a 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course.

Is accommodation included in the course fees?

Yes, accommodation in shared or private rooms is included in the course fees.

What is the maximum number of participants in the training?

The group size may affect the standard of training and the degree of individualized care given to each participant. The number of students fluctuates between 30 and 40 to allow for more individualized education, as well as more chances for one-on-one feedback and coaching, in smaller groups.

What is the Yoga Alliance certification?

Yoga teachers who have finished a training program that satisfies the organization's requirements for curriculum, staff, and facilities are given the Yoga Alliance certification. A teacher training program must incorporate a minimum number of hours of study in yoga philosophy, anatomy and physiology, teaching technique, and practicum to qualify for Yoga Alliance certification.

Is vegetarian food provided during the training?

Throughout a 300-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course, vegetarian cuisine is frequently served. A vegetarian or vegan diet is encouraged by many Kundalini Yoga schools as a method to enhance yoga practice and advance health and well-being.

Can I teach Kundalini Yoga after completing this course?

Yes, you may become a Kundalini Yoga teacher after finishing a 300-hour teacher training program. This course offers extra instruction in advanced practices, philosophy, and teaching approaches in addition to building on the fundamental information and abilities acquired in a 200-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course. It's crucial to keep in mind, nevertheless, that after finishing a training course, aspiring yoga teachers must continue their practice, education, and commitment.

What if I have to miss a class or session?

Please inform the trainers in advance and arrange to make up the missed class or session as soon as possible.

What should I bring to the training?

Please bring comfortable yoga clothes, a yoga mat, a water bottle, a journal, and any personal items you need for a month-long stay in Bali. You can also buy these products from the local market.

Always Remember You Are The Whole

Rules & Refund Policy Of World Peace Yoga School

Code Of Conduct For Students

Being a reputable yoga school, we have a few guidelines that we require our trainees to adhere to preserve a secure and peaceful learning environment. Some of the key guidelines that we want our students to abide by are listed below:

  • All training sessions, including courses, workshops, and activities, need regular attendance.
  • Respect for their instructors, other students, and the yoga school staff is something we demand of our students.
  • The daily plan, which includes lunch times, yoga sessions, and other activities, is expected of the students.
  • We strictly prohibit the use of alcohol and drugs during training.
  • Students are expected to maintain personal hygiene and keep their living quarters tidy.
  • On the grounds of the yoga school, smoking is not allowed.
  • All information and talks throughout the course are to be kept private, according to the students.
  • During training, visitors are not permitted on the school's grounds.
  • Pets are not permitted on the school grounds when students are in training.
  • As a yoga school, we anticipate that our students will uphold yoga ethics, which include non-violence, honesty, and self-discipline.

Compliance With Yoga Alliance Guidelines

World Peace Yoga School instructs every student to be aware of the following policy guidelines for students:

  • Attendance Policy: Throughout the course, students are obliged to attend all lessons, lectures, and workshops. The course instructors have the authority to permit absences for a short period in cases of emergencies. However, any missed lessons or assignments must be made up by the pupils. Every day's attendance will be tracked, and to pass the course, students must maintain a minimum of 90% attendance.
  • Anti-Retaliation Policy: Students are subject to a stringent no-retaliation policy at our institution. Any student may inform the professors teaching the course or the administration if they experience prejudice or retribution. We swiftly look into any such concerns and treat them seriously. We make sure that no student faces punishment or reprisal for reporting a case of discrimination or retaliation.
  • Anti-Harassment Policy: All of our students will get a safe and respectful learning environment from us. Any sort of harassment, including sexual harassment, is prohibited by our company. Any student who is found to violate this rule shall be subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including course expulsion. Any allegations of harassment will be quickly and discreetly looked into.

Refund Policy At World Peace Yoga School

  • We can not provide refunds for the students' upfront payment.
  • Students have the option to transfer their tuition to another course or postpone their current course.
  • Students may apply their tuition to another course if the school cancels.
  • A student may ask for a price transfer to another course or session if they must drop their enrolment due to unavoidable circumstances.
  • The advanced fee cannot be transferred to someone else.
  • The fee transfer or rescheduling request must be submitted at least 30 days before the commencement of the course.
  • If there are seats available in the requested course or session, the cost may be rescheduled or transferred.
  • The cost will not be reimbursed or applied to another course or session if a student misses a class or session.
  • Students who wish to postpone or transfer their fee must contact the school in writing.
  • The school retains the right to change the refund policy whenever it sees fit.

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Our Review & Ratings

What Our Students Say About Their Yoga Teacher Training In Bali

Gabriele Di Mauro

United States

Excellent Yoga school in bali, with very good and experienced teachers and a relaxed atmosphere. I highly recommend yoga teacher training courses in bali with World Peace Yoga School. ;)

Gabriele Di Mauro

Olivia Whalley


I recently completed my prenatal yoga teacher training at World Peace Yoga school. Overall, the teaching was of a great standard with knowledgeable and fantastic teachers.

Olivia Whalley

Sofie Swiecki


I just competed my 300hr Kundalini ytt:) I had a wonderful experience at world peace yoga school. The teachers were amazing. The building and rooms were lovely with a wonderful view of the city from the terrace. Management was very friendly and helpful.

Sofie Swiecki

Shivani Chaudhary


Completed my 300 hrs TTC in march. It was an amazing learning experience. I knew the physical aspects of yoga earlier, but world peace taught me mental, spiritual, detailed physiological aspects and I enjoyed my yoga journey.

Shivani Chaudhary

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