

Benefits of Sphinx Pose
Benefits of Sphinx Pose
Benefits of Sphinx Pose Stretches and lengthens the spine Stretches the chest, lungs, shoulders and abdomen Firms the buttocks Helps
Happy Baby Pose
Happy Baby Pose
Getting into Happy Baby Pose: Begin by laying flat on your back. Exhale and bend the knees into the belly.
Master Standing Forward Bend
Master Standing Forward Bend
Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) ut = intense tan = to stretch or extend asana = pose Benefit: A calming posture that
Benefits of Cow Pose ( Bitilasana )
Benefits of Cow Pose ( Bitilasana )
Start on hands and knees (all fours) – in a tabletop position. Your knees directly below your hips and you
Scale Pose
Scale Pose
Scale Pose Tulasana: Start off this asana by sitting on your mat and assuming the cross-legged posture. Make sure that
health benefit of Low lunge
health benefit of Low lunge
Low lunge (Anjaneyasana): From downward facing dog, exhale and step right foot forward between hands, aligning right knee over heel. Without

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