

Yoga For Glowing Skin Marichyasana
Yoga For Glowing Skin Marichyasana
Marichi literally means a ray of light. This position is also called the sage position, and it increases circulation and
Crescent Lunge — Anjaneyasana (AHN-jah-nay-AHS-uh-nuh) — is a dynamic standing yoga pose that utilizes and integrates the muscles in your
Ardha Uttanasana
Ardha Uttanasana
Ardha Uttanasana (Half forward bend): Steps: Initial Position: Tadasana 1. While you get into the starting position, inhale deep and
Extended Triangle pose
Extended Triangle pose
Steps: Stand in Tadasana. With an exhalation, step or lightly jump your feet 3.5 to 4 feet apart. Raise your arms
Steps: Stand straight with your legs wide apart by a distance of at least 3-4 feet. Turn your right foot
Yoga Exercise For The Eyes
Yoga Exercise For The Eyes
Yoga Exercise For The Eyes Sideways viewing Steps: Assume a sitting position with the legs straight int the font of

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