

  • From Plank Pose
  • Firm your shoulders flat on your back and make your back muscles strong. Make sure your lower belly is lifting in and up and your tailbone is pointing toward your feet. Firm the front of your body into the back of your body.
  • Rock forward a little over the toes, so you are projecting your body forward.
  • Look a little in front of you to keep the neck long. Keep the elbows close to the ribs pointing back the whole time.
  • On an out-breath lower the whole body like a plank to the floor, keeping your forearms at a right angle to the floor. Lower only so far that the upper arms stay parallel to the floor and that there is a right angle between the upper and lower arms. Lift the front of the shoulders away from the floor the whole time.
  • This pose is usually a transition between other poses as in Sun Salutations or vinyasas. You can also practice it by itself and hold it for between 10 to 30 seconds.
  • On an inhale transition into Upward facing dog pose. If you can keep your back in plank (no collapsing in the lower back) you can also push back up to Plank pose on an out-breath.


  • Strengthens the core, wrists, arms and legs.
  • Great preparation for more arm balances.
  • Tones the abdomen