

Wind Relieving Pose
Wind Relieving Pose
The Wind Removing Pose or Pavanamuktasana is a yoga pose in which the body is positioned in a supine position.
Alternate Nostril Breathing: Nadi Shodhana, or “alternate nostril breathing,” is a simple yet powerful technique that settles the mind, body,
Butterfly Pose
Butterfly Pose
The Baddha Konasana improves the flexibility in your private part and hip regions, as it stretches the inner thighs, genital and knees.
Bhramari pranayama
Bhramari pranayama
Bharmari word has originated from Sanskrit word Bharmar which means humming bee. The name suggests in this method of Pranayama
Benefits of Scorpion Pose
Benefits of Scorpion Pose
Vrishchikasana or the Scorpion Pose is an inverted pose and an advanced yoga asana which has great benefits for the
benefits of Arm Balance
benefits of Arm Balance
Pincha (पिन्च, Pinca) = Feather Mayura (मयूर, Mayūra) = Peacock Asana (आसन, Āsana) = Pose, Posture, Seat Pincha Mayurasana (पिन्च

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